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(#5593306) Re: What are YOU interested in that most people aren’t?
Posted by Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe on 6 Apr 2024 at 7:40AM
My current wargaming project is the Wild West, I have 8-10 different sets of rules, but currently plan on using RUTHLESS, the Fastest Rules in the West, by Mark Fastoso & Brian DeWitt. The basic rules are only two pages and yet are really fun to play, even better they're free to print off! The rules provide an individual stat sheet for each gunslinger/town folk figure, I've made the game even better by designing a wooden controller, it's 4.5" x 8.5" cut in the shape of a old fashion coffin lid. I'm using 22 & 32 caliber shell casings to keep track of ammunition and 3mm x 25mm round MDF chips to keep track of traits and hits. My youngest son has a CnC machine, we milled six control panels last night in approximately two hours. My son wrote the CAD files, they took approximately two hours to complete. These control panels are so cool! We plan on playing our first game this weekend. I'll post pictures soon.
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5593306Re: What are YOU interested in that most people aren’t? Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe6 Apr 2024 7:40AM

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