Polls - Discuss the current poll topic
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Current Poll
What do you drink most in a day
Water 52%
Coffee 15%
Tea 8%
Soda pop 8%
Other ( Discuss on Poll DB ) 5%
Diet soda 4%
Milk 2%
Wine 2%
Other alcohol 2%
Juice 1%
Sport drinks 1%
Energy drinks 1%
Protein shake 0%
Smoothies 0%
165 votes ]   [ More Polls ]
Have a suggestion for a site wide poll? Send your suggestion to GoldToken's Pollmaster, for consideration!
  • If we use your poll, you will win one of these specialty tokens!
  • Posting poll suggestions on this board will not award you a token.

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(unknown photo)25(unknown photo)26(unknown photo)276-2023 - 6- 2024 Contest Winner (unknown photo)June 2024 - June 2025 { Picture# } pending

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New starting June 2024! A monthly token that will change every year! That means that if you won a token in the past year, you will be eligible again in the coming year. Remember the rules:

1) There will be a poll at the end of each month.
This poll will list all the polls used that month with the exception of any by authors that have won this in the past.

2) Each poll used will be listed even if multiple polls used are by the same person, with the exception if they have won before.

3) Each poll listed would have to be an original never before used poll (even reworded)

4) Poll entered must have question AND answers or it doesn't qualify.

5)Submissions will be counted for this poll in the month they are USED.
Therefore, If you submit in June and it's used in August, It will be included in the August poll.

Winner will be announced in the Monthly Newsletter.

Submit those polls to the Pollmaster and make it soon before someone submits your idea first.

Each poll used during the month will still receive one of the tokens above and will be eligible for the monthly poll.

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(#5604234) Re: How is your memory?
Posted by laura lee on 20 May 2024 at 2:40PM
Anyone for a sticky note, I have plenty for writing down reminders. Stuck everywhere.
Life sure does change your memory as time goes on. At one time a employee could walk in my office, say their last name and I knew the last 4 numbers of there SS# w/o even asking (my job was entering protection for each employee). I worked with numbers all day. (adding, entering, reports) Statistician.
Now, I'm lucky if I can remember the last 4 numbers of my own phone # or what I walked into a room for.
Yet I can remember things from when I was 3-4 yrs old.
div>Replies to this message:
SubjectPosted ByDate & Time
5604315Re: How is your memory? bobby b 7120 May 2024 6:18PM
5604271Re: How is your memory? laura lee20 May 2024 4:27PM
5604268Re: How is your memory? RubyJoy20 May 2024 4:20PM
5604234Re: How is your memory? laura lee20 May 2024 2:40PM

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