Rock Paper Scissors is all we will be playing in this club. Will have ladders, clubvsclub invitations and a monthly wikiless.
End of year prizes.
Winner will receive 10 golderoes and a choice of any token in the odds and ends section of the recognition tokens, 2nd will receive 5 golderoe and a any token in the odds and ends section of the recognition tokens. All other winner will receive 1 golderoe
Had no idea so much strategy was possible in Rock, Paper, Scissors? The rules of the game itself may be simple, but the human mind is not.
Do you have what it takes?? Its not just a game its mind warfare. Come and pit your mind against your opponents and see if you can out maneuver them into a victory
This club is open for anyone to join. However, you do not currently have the required Silver Level Membership needed to join a club. You will need to purchase a Silver Level Membership if you want to join this club.