Board Post Voting!
Board Post Voting! posted by Mecir on Wednesday 28 September 2011 at 3:26AM |
I have finished a (hopefully) exciting new feature - the ability to vote on board posts! Each post can be upvoted or downvoted - upvoting a post automatically adds an upvote to its author's profile (only once per player - if you upvote two posts made by the same person, only one profile vote will be added). If enough people (the specific number may need to be adjusted) downvote a post, it will automatically be hidden from the boards and scheduled for a moderation review - our moderation team will then decide whether the post deserves a moderation or if it should return back to the boards. That's right, you can now actively participate in the efforts to keeping our site a clean and friendly environment! Please make sure to only use the downvote button if you think that the post is not suitable for the site, not if you just disagree with its point. The current number of votes is displayed below each post - the counter will, however, display a zero even if the actual vote count is lower than that. There will likely e some kinks left to resolve, but we hope that you will like this new feature! |