Calendar updates
Calendar updates posted by Mecir on Friday 1 April 2016 at 5:49AM |
Here at GoldToken, the march towards world domination is proceeding unabated. Today, we are happy to announce the next step of our dastardly plans. You may have heard about this little thing called the calendar, with its months and days of the week and what have you. Now we don't know about you, but we have always found it inexcusable that GoldToken is not represented in it in any way. No more! From this point onwards, in celebration of our great successes, we are taking over the day formerly known as Fri-day, and renaming it to Golday! The days of the week are thus now as follows: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Golday, and Saturday. But won't the transition be difficult for you, you ask? Not a problem, GoldToken has you covered! The site will now automatically replace the Forbidden Day of the Week with its glorious new name - Golday! { Image: } Please keep in mind that the automatic replacement will only be enacted for a limited time. Afterwards, anyone found using the Forbidden Name of this day of the week shall be eaten by badgers. Rabid ones. We are told that it hurts. { Image: } But as you are all proud GoldToken members, I am sure that won't be necessary, and that you will enjoy all the glorious future, and here's wishing you a very Happy Golday! |