Checkers variants (Brazilian, International, Pool, Russian) A quick guide

This Nugget has been written by Skywalker on 25 May at 12:27PM

Category: Checkers


1.Sequence of MAXIMUM capture.
2.Capture continues and a man does NOT change status.

If there is more than one way to capture:
You have to choose the way that will result in the capture of the MOST number of pieces. If a checker piece reaches the king row while in a capture sequence, it must keep on capturing pieces backward as long as there are still pieces to be captured.

The capturing piece cannot be crowned king unless it finishes the move and stops on king row.


Follows the same rules as Brazilian Checkers except that it is played on a LARGER 10 x 10, or 100-square board.


1.ANY sequence may be chosen, as long as all possible captures are made.
2.Capture continues and a man does NOT change status.

If there is more than one way to capture:
You may choose whichever sequence you like.
You are not obliged to take the sequence that results in the most number of captures.

(Rule of thumb)
If a player has 3 kings and the other has just one king (and no other pieces), the one with 3 kings must win within 13 moves.


1.ANY sequence may be chosen, as long as all possible captures are made.
2.Capture continues with the man becoming a king in last row.

If there is more than one way to capture:
You may choose whichever sequence you like. (Just like Pool Checkers.)

Russian Checkers is very similar to Brazilian and Pool Checkers except that when a piece reaches the king row from a capture sequence, it becomes a KING and it must continue to capture jumping backwards until it has completed its capture sequence.

The checker remains a king at the end of the capturing sequence.

Like Pool and Brazilian Checkers, kings are 'flying kings'.
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