Imperium strategy #2

This Nugget has been written by guustavf on 14 Jul at 12:07PM

Category: Imperium

Rcommander I9+ , Gcommander G6+ and Green Lance T on H7 pointing G7 & I7.
Notation: /x is x turns clockwise.

There is a win without any additional force.
58 G7/1 I9/0
59 G7->H7 I9/0

[or 58 G7/1 I9/1
59 G7->H7 I9/1]

60 H8->F8 I9->H9
61 F8->F9##


Rcommander F3+ , Gcommander E8+ and Green Lance Y on G5 pointing G4 & H5.

47 F3 -> F4 E8 -> E7
48 F4 -> F5 G5 -> G4
49 F5 -> F4 G4 -> E6
50 F4 -> F5 E6 -> C8
The method is to centralise the Commander and use the Lance to restrict the GC and force it to the edge. The Lance is most effective at long range during this process.
51 F5 -> E5 C8 -> C5#
52 E5 -> E4 E7 -> E6
53 E4 -> D4 E6 -> E5
This is a key idea. (54 D4/1# E5->D5# 55 D4->E3 C5->C4 and Red has been forced back one row towards the edge.)
54 D4 -> D3 E5 -> E4
This is also a key idea. ( 55 D3/1# E4->E3##) The RC is on the run.
55 D3 -> D2 E4 -> E3
56 D2 -> D1 E3 -> E2
Now the edge takes over from the Lance. (57 D1/1# E2->D2##).
57 D1 -> C1 E2 -> D2
58 C1 -> B1 D2 -> C2
59 B1 -> A1 C2 -> B2
Without the extra piece it would be a draw (because Red may not reply to A1/0 with B2/1# )
But with the extra piece a nice finish.
60 A1/1 B2 -> A2##
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Imperium strategy #2 correction

Posted on 14 Jul at 10:46PM by guustavf

Rcommander I9+ , Gcommander G6+ and Green Lance T on H7 pointing G7 & I7.


Rcommander I9+ , Gcommander G7x and Green Lance T on H8 pointing G8 & I8.