Setting Up the Board

This Nugget has been written by Enviro on 9 Jun at 3:18PM

Category: Chess

On Goldtoken, the board is conveniently already set up when you start a game. But what if you're not playing on the computer? How do you set up the board? For those of you who don't know, here are some common phrases I've heard to help:

"White on the right": Your right rook should be on a white square. If it isn't, rotate the whole board 90 degrees.

"Queen gets her own color": A white queen goes on a white square and a black queen goes on a black square. The king goes on the other middle square.

"Alphabetical order away from the monarchs": Bishop, Knight, Rook.

So just put the pawns on the row second closest to the player, then follow these rules to place the other pieces on the row closest to the player. Have fun!
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