trax and lucky trax - strategy and tips

This Nugget has been written by Red Panda on 25 Jun at 1:20AM

Category: Trax

Trax is a game of skill, Lucky trax is a game of skill as well as luck.

This nugget gives some simple advice on trax strategy and some thoughts on lucky trax


In trax making an attack is usually bad

if you make an attack as black like


then when your opponent defends


you can see that white position is much stronger and black is left with not much. thus making a simple attack without another goal is not the best thing to do

So in trax, you are trying to make two attacks at the same time.for example by making an L or and edge.

an L is like


if i place :bbww: in the top left position


then the middle square is forced


and you can see I have made two attacks which can't both be stopped

an edge looks like the top row of the following


if you play :bbww: on the top left position, then it makes the following


which makes an attack and an L. While your opponent defends the attack, you can then use the L to make two more attacks and win

Note: the attack could have been done on the right hand side as well

If you see your opponent trying to make these position you should defend (ie stop them doing the attack)

Lucky Trax

In lucky trax, attacking is good!

each turn there are 6 possible tiles you can get .. either one of four curves :wwbb: , :bbww: ,:wbbw: or :bwwb: or one of two straights :bwbw: or :wbwb:

If you make a simple attack


then your opponent has only a 50 percent chance of defending it and then if they don't you have a 33% chance of winning. This means you have a 16 % chance of winning in the next move if you make an attack , and 5% on winning two moves after the attack..

Making an attack therefore gives you approx 20% chance of winning

making a long attack


gives your opponent 66% chance to kill it, and then only 16% chance of you to win if they don't kill it.
This results in only approx 5% chance of winning by making the attack

Making L's in lucky trax does not make sense as a primary tactic as you can only activate it 16% of the time , and your opponent can kill the L at least 50% of time and usually 66% of time

even after activating an L


with my two attacks, my opponent can defend one of the attacks 100% of the time giving you 33% to win with your remaining attack

thus by making an L you have approximately 1 % of winning

if instead of defending the L, your opponent does something else, then you have roughly 8 % chance of winning in 2 moves. However if your opponent ignores the L and makes an attack, they could win before you can. (compare 20% chance of them winning vs 8% chance from your L)

So a primary strategy needs to consider the simple attacks

1. if your oppoenent is attacking you need to defend if possible, otherwise they have a 33% chance of winning
2. if you can't defend their attack , counterattack if possible
3. if your opponent is not attacking then attack

As an example


and you get given the piece :wwbb:

As per strategy you should defend rather than counter attack



no immediate chance of win for either player, however you have much more opportunities for future attack

counter attack


33% chance opponent win , 33% chance of him defending your attack , 33% chance of keeping his and your attack open.
You then have the same odds..

this gives chance your oppoenent of approx 40% winning, and you 11% ... heavily stacked in his favour, hence not as good as defending
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