The best Paraprosdokian Sentence ending for "If I agreed with you" is....
The best Paraprosdokian Sentence ending for "If I agreed with you" is....
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Poll assigned to board: Paraprosdokian Sentences
- then no one would believe us, because everyone knows two wrongs don't make a right! (26%)
- then we will both be wrong. (15%)
- then I'd be as crazy as you are. (15%)
- I would be right and you would be wrong. (11%)
- I would be wrong. (9%)
- why discuss it? (4%)
- I would have to be described as a disagreeable person. (4%)
- then they would only need one more vowel to win the majority! (4%)
- we'd both end up in jail. (4%)
- it would be a stalemate! (4%)
- we might all be wrong. (2%)
- we would be in total disharmony. (1%)
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