It's so Hot! How Hot is it?
It's so Hot! How Hot is it?
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Poll assigned to board: Paraprosdokian Sentences
- ..I saw a bird blow on a worm, before he ate it!! (27%)
- ..The chickens are picking up worms with potholders (19%)
- ..Polar bears are wearing Sunscreen (11%)
- ..It's so hot that even the devil is uncomfortable. (11%)
- ..I needed to drive with an oven mitt (5%)
- ..Thieves have been making a fortune by sending ransomware to our smart AC units. (5%)
- ..I ate great fried eggs cooked outside. (5%)
- ..I was able to barbeque our dinner without turning the grill on! (5%)
- ..You can roast a turkey... in the shade! (3%)
- ..I burnt the egg I was frying on the sidewalk (3%)
- ..My tires melted on the asphalt. (3%)
- ..I discovered my seat belt makes a pretty good branding iron. (3%)
- ..It's so hot that the puppies refuse to go out for a walk.. (0%)
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