You Realize You Might be Lazy When
You Realize You Might be Lazy When

Poll assigned to board: Paraprosdokian Sentences

  • ...You have someone else change your mind for you (17%)
  • ...You can't be bothered to think of an answer to this (17%)
  • have someone else complete this sentence for you. (14%)
  • hand someone else the remote to change the channel for you. (10%)
  • ...You ask the pizza delivery guy to get your mail and your newspaper. (10%)
  • ...You're sitting in a chair and telling your spouse to get this and that for you. (7%)
  • ...When your house looks like a hoarder lives there. (3%)
  • ...the E.P.A. is knocking on your door wanting to see your refrigerator. (3%)
  • ...To get up from Bed and turn off the lights. (3%)
  • ...When you try to . . . get . . up . . . and . . and (3%)
  • ...I say I’ll do it tomorrow, but tomorrow never seems to come (3%)
  • ...When you ask your hubby, to fill up the bathtub, put some bubble bath in, with lots of bubbles.And he says, can you get in the bathtub or,do I have to do that too? You say, well, if you want too (3%)
  • ...You would rather stay in bed than get up (3%)
Votes: 29
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