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Top 25 Combined DiceDots Players
Rank | Player | Games Played | Invite |
1 | squiggy2 | 8 | [invite to play] |
2 | Dravot | 11 | [invite to play] |
3 | Babyblue910 | 10 | [invite to play] |
4 | tina | 28 | [invite to play] |
5 | wallywalter | 66 | [invite to play] |
6 | Kevin209 | 5 | [invite to play] |
7 | Pooka | 10 | [invite to play] |
8 | brodie_bruce | 1225 | [invite to play] |
9 | hostovich | 20 | [invite to play] |
10 | TallPaul | 7 | [invite to play] |
11 | Miftis | 8 | [invite to play] |
12 | wendydey | 4 | [invite to play] |
13 | Kiki | 686 | [invite to play] |
14 | Heartsong | 42 | [invite to play] |
15 | avsrule247 | 4 | [invite to play] |
16 | smelly feet | 10 | [invite to play] |
17 | **Lover of Darkness** | 399 | [invite to play] |
18 | GregM | 30 | [invite to play] |
19 | rushfan2000 | 38 | [invite to play] |
20 | katja | 1372 | [invite to play] |
21 | jonfunk | 65 | [invite to play] |
22 | MORRIS | 139 | [invite to play] |
23 | Markelle | 1710 | [invite to play] |
24 | Lew | 494 | [invite to play] |
25 | TrueIndian | 187 | [invite to play] |
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