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[ Goldie Suggestions ] and Jiggle words - How to create them

Goldies may be used on games, discussion boards, in messages and wikis.

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If you don't know how to use Goldies yet, it's about time you learn!

12 Follow these easy instructions:

12 Simply type two colons : : followed by the desired word and end with two colons.

12 There should be no spaces anywhere.

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**All new Goldies!

Bla Bla Bla = Bla*Derp* = DerpCute! = CuteGood Job!! = GoodOff Topic! = Offtopic
Merci = MerciWe're All Mad Here! = MadPeace = PeaceAgreed! = AgreedOh, fudge muffin! = Fudge
On Hiatus = HiatusSo Sweet = SweetLove It = LoveitEt Tu Brute? = EttuDrama Queen = Drama
Abandon All Hope! = AbandonBah Humbug = BahStop = StopI'm Back! = BackBe Right Back! = BRB
Sorry for the late reply = LateCaution! = FrenchKewl Pics = KewlpicsKewl = KewlKewl Pic = Kewlpic
Bravo! = BravoDid I say that? = DidIYarr! = YarrBack to topic, please. = TopicWasn't Me! = Wasntme
Funny Post = FunnyYeah, that! = YeahthatIdiot Error = IdiotHelp Me! = HelpmeToo Much Information = TMI
Rules = RulesRead the Thread! = Read
Happy New Year! = NewYearHappy Valentines Day! = ValentineHoppy Easter! = EasterSome Bunny Loves You = BunnyloveHappy Thanksgiving Day! = Thnxgiving OR Gobble
Happy St Pat's Day! = PatsdayHappy 4th of July! = 4thHappy Halloween! = HalloweenHappy Veterans Day! = VeteransHappy Labor Day! = Labor
Witch = WitchHappy April Fools Day! = AprilFoolsHappy Memorial Day! = MemorialHappy Mother's Day! = MotherHappy Father's Day! = Father
AAAA! = AaaBlunder = BlunderTip of The Hat To You = TiphatI'm Listening = ListeningFeeling Under the Weather = Cloudy
Bonkers! = BonkersAdorabubble! = BubbleConfetti = ConfettiScream = ScreamLong Scream = ScreamLong
Clean Sweep = SweepHand Shake = ShakeFireman = FiremanHardhat = HardhatShut Up! = Shutup
Policeman = PolicePolice Woman = PolicewomanCheerleader = CheerMasked Crusader = MaskedJailed = Jail
Mad Censored Feelings = CensoredmadCensored Feelings - Wink! = CensoredwinkWaaah!! = WaaahDevil Angel = DevilAngelWinner = Winner
Yee-haw! = YeehawLady Riding a Stick Horse = StickladyRiding a Stick Horse = StickCowboy Riding a Stick Horse = Stickman OR CowboyCharge!! = Charge
Soldier Woman = SoldierwomanSoldierman = SoldiermanViolin Player = ViolinChatter Chatter Chatter = ChatterPirate = Pirate2 OR PiratePatch
Hippy = HippyStraw Hat & Pitchfork = StrawI'm Hungry = HungryChicken! = ChickenOh, No! = Ohno
Crossed Fingers = CrossedCracking the Whip = WhipRain = RainClapping = ClapClapping = Clapping
Panic Attack = PanicBright Idea! = IdeaHelp! = Help!EEEK! = EeekBite = Bite
Shrug = ShrugDizzy = DizzyNurse = Nurse

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Other Goldies pages

Good luck *** Jester *** Using light sabre to ZAP Using light sabre to ZMM *** Waving Red Sabre Flying yellow horse *** Good game *** King Crown Queen *** Flying white horse *** Bride Loving eyes Groom *** Puckering Looking cool *** Laughing *** Have fun

More Goldies on the way!!! Thumbs up
Any special requests can be added here~~~~>[ Goldie Suggestions ]

Also checkout our JIGgle_LETteRS_ at ~~~> Jiggle words - How to create them
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This page was last edited by Badger at 8:21AM on 1 October 2013

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