Budgie's snakes-n-ladders lay-out

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[ Budgie's Tourney's ]

1. Single games what ever
2. 2 { Two } day loss of game..
3. Player 1 to send out invites and any player may post game numbers
4. This is a single elimination game.
5. Please add this to your wiki so its easier to find..
6. Send Budgie a message if you need any help..
7. Invites must be sent out within 48 hours then accepted in 48 hours or a game forfeit
8. A Win moves you two spaces and a loss back one space
9. Game Two will NOT start until game one is completed

Please sign up and take any seat your wish from 01/16...

Sign-ups OPEN 16th September 2008.....

Please do not move your ICON on the Board

1{ Player }::::::::::Red car::::::::::::::::::::**
2{ Player }::::::::::Red car::::::::::::::::::::**
3{ Player }::::::::::Red car::::::::::::::::::::::
4{ Player }::::::::::Red car::::::::::::::::::::**
5{ Player }::::::::::Red car::::::::::::::::::::**
6{ Player }::::::::::Red car::::::::::::::::::::**
7{ Player }::::::::::Red car::::::::::::::::::::**
8{ Player }::::::::::Red car::::::::::::::::::::**
9{ Player }::::::::::Red car::::::::::::::::::::**
10{ Player }::::::::::Red car::::::::::::::::::::**
11{ Player }::::::::::Red car::::::::::::::::::::**
12{ Player }::::::::::Red car::::::::::::::::::::**
13{ Player }::::::::::Red car::::::::::::::::::::**
14{ Player }::::::::::Red car::::::::::::::::::::**
15{ Player }::::::::::Red car::::::::::::::::::::**
16{ Player }::::::::::Red car::::::::::::::::::::**

Game 1 starts 00/00/08

#Player 1Player 2game#Winner
1{ Player }{ Player }{ game# }**
2{ Player }{ Player }{ game# }**
3{ Player }{ Player }{ game# }**
4{ Player }{ Player }{ game# }**
5{ Player }{ Player }{ game# }**
6{ Player }{ Player }{ game# }**
7{ Player }{ Player }{ game# }**
8{ Player: K}{ Player }{ game# }**
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This page was last edited by Budgie at 12:38PM on 15 December 2009

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