December 2009

GoldToken's Monthly News

WOW It's hard to believe 2~~~~O~~~~O~~~~9 is almost gone! It has been a wonderful year with many improvements to the site and we appreciate your continued support. Snowman

The hottest news this month is the new release of some very interesting versions of Backgammon.The following new variants are now available: Tabula, Acey Deucey, Tourne-case, Moultezim & Tawula

The Olympics have also started, which is very exciting and keeping many of us busy, busy, busy trying to win the Offering gold token We would also like to send a special Thanks written on a blackboard to Peg for all of her hard work in coordinating this years Olympics. Good luck in all of your games, and Have fun.

And lastly, a warning from Badger

Warning Any email not from GoldToken Games Administrator <gt-admin(AT)goldtoken(DOT)com> which addresses you by your exact account name, that attempts to appear as from our site administration is obvious spoofing. We unfortunately cannot do anything about it other than warn people not to trust these things. These e-mails often include links that appear to lead to, but actually lead to a site belonging to the spammer. BEWARE Any link included in a spoof email is likely used as an identification, which they use to confirm that your email address is active and they can start flooding it with even more spam. Do not click on any link included in such emails for this reason. You can read more about it on our info page titled Email Spoofing Appears As From GoldToken Thumbs up

We wish you all a very happy and safe Holiday season! Hoping Santa is good to everyone. Grinning


In this month's newsletter, we have:
  • Birthdays & Special Announcements
  • Player Appreciation
  • Photozone Competition
  • Testimonial Of The Month
  • Tournament News

Birthday cakeBirthdays & Special AnnouncementsOffering gift

Birthday Wishes:
-- Happy Birthday to patsy flamingo on December 2nd! - From { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Viviana on December 2nd! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to DANIEL EC on December 3rd! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to macbann on December 4th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to gmak on December 5th! - From { Club } Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Country_Gal on December 6th! - From { Club } and { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Feaster on December 9th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Senorita ZORRO_ on December 11th! - From { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Sea Breeze on December 11th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to transfusion on December 12th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Christina on December 12th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to FLOWER18252 on December 13th! - From { Club }, { Club } and { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to BillsPlace on December 14th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to GUMMY on December 17th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to murrsquito on December 17th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Peg on December 17th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Pegasus on December 18th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to berecca on December 18th! - From { Club } and { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Tlingit on December 19th! - From The MasterClass Club Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to N_a_z on December 19th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Lady Butterfly on December 20th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Lady Sili on December 20th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Jane on December 21st! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to HeatherN on December 21st! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to AZD159 on December 23rd! - From { Club }, { Club } and { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to eyeballs - From your daughter 3xtg on December 23rd! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Withacee on December 23rd! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to SLAMDUNKER on December 23rd! - From { Club } and The MasterClass Club Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to sallyp on December 24th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Sir Arthur of the GoldTable on December 25th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to ontherocks on December 26th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to striker2 on December 27th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to klaashaas on December 28th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to eliphont551 on December 29th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to mahogany on December 30th! - From { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to sharkbite on December 30th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to * Sassy_Angel * on December 31st! - From The Renegades Gaming Club and Lorraine of the Renegades Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to nylady41 on December 31st! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to RamblinMan on December 31st! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Jools on December 31st! Offering gift

Anniversary & Other Wishes:

-- Happy Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom goes out to Pegasus and her husband on December 14th! Many special wishes sent to you both!

* If you would like to announce any birthdays, anniversaries or other special events coming up for next month, please send GoldToken Support a message before the 25th of this month, so we can give them a shout out in next month's newsletter! (Please keep all announcements upcoming and not belated. Announcements submitted after the newsletter is published, can not be put in after the fact, we're sorry!)

**Player* Appreciation*

This month GoldToken would like to send out a special Thanks with hearts to each and every one of our members. We have such a diverse group of people from all over the world, and a friendly atmosphere which makes most of us feel like GoldToken is our 2nd family. Group hug Without ALL of you we wouldn't be the great gamesite that you have helped us become.

We would also like to wish everyone a safe & happy holiday season whether you may be traveling Snowman skiing or staying home. Snowman

From everyone in GoldToken Support Throwing Snowballs

lights1Lights Badger lights1Lights Matt lights1Lights firefly lights1Lights Mecir lights1Lights CATCHER211 lights1Lights

Photozone Competition

Photozone competition

For those that don't know about this, it's a friendly competition where players can post images that fit a specific theme.
At the end of the month all the images are entered into a poll for everybody to vote for the image they would like to win.
You can find more details by reading the [ Main: Photozone Competition ] wiki page.

December's theme is Close Up so get posting your best image on the Photozone board that fits the theme. Thumbs up

November's theme was Water and you will be able to vote for your favorite image very soon, so keep an eye out for the news item on your game sheet.

October's theme was Inanimate Objects and the winner was TabbyCat with the following image Congratulations

{ Image: }

Have a read of the [ Main: Photozone Competition ] wiki page for more information about this competition, should you have any questions you can post them on the Photozone board. Thumbs up



Testimonials Of The Month
Brought to you by: *GoldToken* Players


I was new to the internet and playing at a different site when I discovered this site through a friend I have unfortunately lost touch with. Since that time I have made many friends from casually just here on the games to meeting some of the best friends I've ever had in my life. GoldToken has become more than just a place to play games, it's a place to come home to and relax, have fun, catch up and share your life. I appreciate all those who keep the site running and especially to all my wonderful opponents who keep challenging me.

Thank you all for enriching my life. Hugging


In 2002 I went looking for a place to have fun and I found it, here at GoldToken. I played here off and on for years but working 80-90 hours a week limited me to only a few games at a time. Last May I got laid off which gave me lots of time. I came back with full force playing ladder games, tourneys, and friendly games. I have found and made several new friends that I have got to know and have fun with. I really needed a job but wanted to continue to play many games here at all levels. Thanks so much for being here to help me through tough times GoldToken. Smiling


I have been here since Dec 2003 and I have seen this site really come a long way! It was nice to play here in the beginning and has only gotten better! The games are great and the people are too. I love the clubs!

The best new feature is the ability to post photos, I really like that. And, in the games I love the addition of the card games! And did I mention I love the Goldies and the Name Icons and the Jiggles ??

Tournament News
Brought to you by: The Tournament Team

GoldToken would like to send a big *CONGRATULATIONS out to all our recent tournament winners!!!*


  • Do you have a special story, poem or testimonial you would like to share? How about some club news, announcements or any other special events? Then don't delay, send GoldToken Support your submissions today! We look forward to hearing from you! Smiling
** (Please note: All submissions are added on a first come first serve basis.) **
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This page was last edited by GoldToken Support at 11:17AM on 1 February 2010

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