May 2010

GoldToken's Monthly News

I wish to extend our sincere appreciation for everyones patience with GoldToken's slow page speeds. Mecir has been diligently tracking down and correcting what ever was causing site slow pages. It seems we still have a few problems with page load speeds, but (thank goodness) it's nothing near the trouble it had been. Rest assured Mecir will continue tracking the source of any continuing problems.

Special invitation to all Gold and Platinum members: If you haven't seen the fun new games being tested in GoldToken's sister site, the beta, now is a good time to check them out! They are all new and original to GoldToken, so we can sure use your input there!

For those patently waiting, I am so Sorry for not awarding the prizes for the best caption for the "future newsletter" pictures yet. It has been such a busy month, but I promise to have the winners list for June's newsletter High five

is back along with GoldToken's new game. If you enjoy word games, these are right up your alley! Even better, everyone is welcome to play both games, including guests! See you there!

•*´¯`*•.¸ .. ¥ .. ¸.•*´¯`*• •*´¯`*•.¸ .. ¥ .. ¸.•*´¯`*• •*´¯`*•.¸ .. ¥ .. ¸.•*´¯`*•

For the month of MAY, players who have a Silver Offer silver token or Wood Offer wood token membership are welcome to try a free 3O day name icon adoption. Looking cool

Go to Name Icons to choose an icon, and post your request on Icon Mania. Grinning

Once an Icon is chosen, you will be able to keep it for 3O*days. We will not be able to change a request once it has been made, but you will be allowed to keep your icon for the full *3O days even if you request it on May 15th! Thumbs up

Have fun and if you have any questions please contact GoldToken Support


In this month's newsletter, we have:
  • Birthdays & Special Announcements
  • Player Appreciation
  • Testimonial Of The Month
  • Tournament News

Birthday cakeBirthdays & Special AnnouncementsOffering gift

Birthday Wishes:

-- Happy Birthday to Apo119 on May 1st! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to MsLady on May 2nd! - From { Club }, { Club } & The Backgammon Tournament Club Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to supermann8 on May 2nd! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Nina on May 3rd! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Goonerg on May 3rd! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to MBAfriend on May 4th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to * on May 4th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to carouselhorse on May 6th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to cissy on May 7th! - From laura lee, clare and all your friends! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to tweets on May 8th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Mary on May 9th! - From { Club }, { Club }, { Club }, { Club } & { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to gunther mcbride on May 10th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to rabbitoid on May 10th! - From The Chess & Variants Club Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to El Lobo Loco on May 12th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to foxdancing on May 13th! - From { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to WebbyDebi on May 15th! - From { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Tony Rome on May 16th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to marlisam on May 16th! - From { Club },{ Club } & { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to maintenance man on May 17th! - From { Club } and The MasterClass Club Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to stanley7 on May 18th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to loraca on May 18th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to ZOEgirl on May 19th! - From { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to the loneranger on May 19th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to GeorgeF on May 20th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Merikay111 on May 20th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to porkpie1 on May 21st! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to EagleAnney on May 22nd! - From { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Lil Red on May 23rd! - From { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to unicorn on May 25th! - From { Club }, { Club } & { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Misfit Lenrad6672 on May 25th! - From The Backgammon Tournament Club and your husband Dbledee Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to blue eyes on May 27th! - From { Club } & { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Arctic Warrior on May 27th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to USS Ben on May 28th! - From your daughter The_TopCat Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to nw2425 on May 29th! - From { Club } and { Club } Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Vanilla MAX Spice on May 29th! - With lots of love from your husband Jon *the return* Offering heart and baby boy Maximillian Pushing baby stroller Hugging Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Nj on May 30th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to SweetThot on May 31st! Offering flower

Anniversary & Other Wishes:

-- Happy Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom to Capricorn and her husband on May 4th! - From The Renegades Gaming Club

-- Happy Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom to psychospaz mom and her husband on May 14th!

-- Happy Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom to Man of Steel and B*Elanna on May 26th!

* If you would like to announce any birthdays, anniversaries or other special events coming up for next month, please send GoldToken Support a message before the 25th of this month, so we can give them a shout out in next month's newsletter! (Please keep all announcements upcoming and not belated. Announcements submitted after the newsletter is published, can not be put in after the fact, we're sorry!)

**Player* Appreciation*

This month GOLDTOKEN would like to send out a Thanks written on a blackboard

to porkpie1 Trumpet player right

I have been a member on GoldToken since Sept. 2003. I was playing on ItsYourTurn when a member there said try
GoldToken. It was the best thing I ever did. I left IYT shortly after joining GT. Smiling

In July 2004 I created the The Pork Chop Club, and it has been going strong ever since. We have alot of active players and games. Shortly after creating the The Pork Chop Club, I asked one of my best friends here Pepper to be my partner in the running of the club. From that day we have been a great team. I would also like to mention eliphont551 who has been a real strong part of the team that keeps the club interesting and alive. You can click on the club link above, and if you are interested in joining, please send me a PM. Grinning

In my spare time I have an astronomy site where I put my images that my friends and I take. We take images of the Sun, Planets and Deep Space. The link is if you'd like to check it out. Thumbs up

Over the years I have made many friends, and a few I have met in person are: beckybythesea, MadMike, sue, Whitewolfman & Summer Flame. I look forward to making many more new friends on GT. Hugging

Testimonial Of The Month
Brought to you by: *GoldToken* Players

Candy Cane Kaz

My brother introduced me to GoldToken about 9 years ago. I had previously played at 2 other game sites but soon found out that GoldToken was by far the best. Smiling

I have made some really good friends here and also learned how to play loads of fun new games ( some easier than others! ). I also really love how friendly GT is, I think that makes it very special. There is so much hard work put into the site too, new games and features are continuously being added.

I'm so glad I listened to by brother and signed up to the best game site, GoldToken!

Thank you,

Candy Cane Kaz

Blu Eyes

What can I say about this site? It's one awesome sight! There is a large variety of games to play so there is never a dull moment. I joined this site in Aug of 04 through a friend that plays here. I had met her in another game room and she told me about this site. She got me hooked. Smiling

After I get logged into the computer, this is the first site I go to to play my games. I have met many nice people here, but have become good friends with a few. One of which lives a few hours away from me and I would love to meet her someday. To those who work behind the scene, keep up the good work. Thumbs up

Blu Eyes

Tournament News
Brought to you by: The Tournament Team

GoldToken would like to send a big *CONGRATULATIONS out to all our recent tournament winners!!!*


  • Do you have a special story, poem or testimonial you would like to share? How about some club news, announcements or any other special events? Then don't delay, send GoldToken Support your submissions today! We look forward to hearing from you! Smiling
** (Please note: All submissions are added on a first come first serve basis.) **
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This page was last edited by GoldToken Support at 10:35AM on 3 May 2010

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