Round Two Hypergammon Championship

[ Main: Round Two Hypergammon Championship ]

Good luck
Club#2459 The Scoop's Castle Club - Inviter
Club#2197 The To Your Health Club - Opponent
Club#2197 The To Your Health Club WINNERWay to go!!
3 days, loss of game

Please include link with invite!!
[ Main: Round Two Hypergammon Championship ]

InviterOpponentGame NumberWINNERCLUB
Scoopdedewwilsoni#7826651wilsoniThe To Your Health Club
JohnDerekAndrewB#7828309AndrewBThe To Your Health Club
bereccaAZD159#7826655AZD159The To Your Health Club
BahamaMamaleswilling#7828202leswillingThe To Your Health Club
Handymanjamchug#7826504jamchugThe To Your Health Club
The To Your Health ClubWins5Games0

Good luck
Club#2381 { Club } - Inviter
Club#2108 The Multi-Player Gaming Center Club - Opponent
Club# { Club: # } WINNERWay to go!!
3 days, loss of game

Please include link with invite!!
[ Main: Round Two Hypergammon Championship ]

InviterOpponentGame NumberWINNERCLUB
ladyvicLyndiLoo#7828180LyndiLooThe Multi-Player Gaming Center Club
cee-vs-teeditzyblue#7829809cee-vs-tee{ Club }
oldogFade#7828307oldog{ Club }
Karen QCrispies#7827937Karen Q{ Club }
Sir Geoffchele#7833474Sir Geoff{ Club }
{ Club }Wins4Games1
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This page was last edited by johnnyyboy at 5:41PM on 14 November 2012

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