Sign the Congratulatory Card for Badger

Congratulations to Badger, the blushing Blushing bride Bride! May you have many years of happiness with your hubby Groom!

Please leave your congratulatory messages below. If you need assistance posting a message, send a PM to GoldToken Support and they'll be glad to help you. Smiling
Cogradulation and God Be with u Both
Player vlf
Congratulations, Badger! You deserve all the best. I hope your wedding day is full of fun and laughter. Smiling

CONGRATS - I'm so happy for you! I'll be expecting pixs soon!
HUGS Nancy
The best of everything to you both. May you always love each other more today than yesterday but less than tomorrow.

Indiana Jones

I wish you much love and a long lifetime with each other. Remember a good marriage does take work....always circle back to
the love that you have for each other on your wedding day. Congratulations!

Congratulations to the newly married couple! The groom is getting a wonderful lady.. i hope you both will be happily ever after married FOREVER! Hugging
[ ladyvic ]

Congratulations to my top woman lol, glad your found the man you want to spend the rest of
your life with. Your a very lucky lady. I wish you all the blessings and happiness that
I know you deserve, and he's a lucky man.. God bless you both,

[ Bahamamama ]
Grats Badger. Nice to see that you found that one person that you want to annoy for the rest of your life.

[ Oartkickel of the wolf pack ]
I am absolutely delighted to hear the ews!!!!
Congrats Sweet deserve Love, Life and Laughter !
God Bless you both!
Nanna K
Congrats to the 2 of you...May you have a long and blessed life together!!!!



You're gettin' married??? Wow!!!


Congrats Badger!!!!


KissingDancing Cards Suit HeartsDancing Cards Suit HeartsDancing Cards Suit HeartsDancing Cards Suit HeartsDancing Cards Suit HeartsDancing Cards Suit HeartsDancing Cards Suit HeartsDancing Cards Suit Hearts Kissing

May your marriage be filled with all the right ingredients: a heap of love, a dash of humor, a touch of romance, and a spoonful of understanding. May your joy last forever.
Congratulations! You deserve only the best.. Bride Dancing Cards Suit HeartsGroom
Love, monkeytyper

Tossing heart (right)Tossing heart (left)

The very best to you and your husband to be.
Congratulations! Smiling

John aka
superkaempe the gentle giant

Congratulations Badger
I wish you & Mr Badger Laughing a wonderful life together!

RabidWolff of the Wolf Pack

Congratulations and best of luck to both of you

Congratulations to Badger and new Hubby. may you have a long and happy life, it couldnt happen to
a nicer lady. You are such a wonderful lady Offering flower

Congrats and many years of wedded bliss!! mysticdragon


Best wishes from the Boston Mountains!!!! Carolark


Congratulations and felicitations! May your union be lasting and loving! erletd


Congrats to you both and "Long may your lum reek"...regards...Bernice


Congratulations to both of you. :aprildawn:


congratulations from Holland and many happy years!!! The Bobibird

Congratulations to you both. May you both be blessed with love and happiness in the years to come..

Hi Cuz!

You know I am wishing Scott and you my love and best wishes. Even though I can't be with you on your special day I am with you in spirit. Mazel Tov
Scrapbooking Maven ;;molly;;

Although I don't know you very well, The wife speaks highly of you! Here's wishing you Years and Years of wedded bliss!! God's Blessings to you both!



Smiling Absolutely superb news Badger. I'm delighted for you both. May you both have years of happiness together.



Wishing you a wonderful day and a long and happy marriage.
wildgeese ;;wildgeese;;
Congrats and Best Wishes~!!!!


žžžTossing heart (right) Congratulations to you both! May your love always burn bright for one another. May you two live a wonderfully long and happy life and grow old gracefully together. God bless and the very best of wishes! Tossing heart (left)


Congratulations!!! I hope you have many, many years of happiness together!!! Smiling




Hope your special day is full of laughter and happiness and comes very soon.



The big day has finally arrived. i wish you and Scott the best of everything..
we're all waiting to see the pictures..



Badger May your married life be the best it can be and that your love for each other grow stonger each and every day.

Congrats May all your Ups and Downs be between the sheets. Smiling
Best of luck, Ginny aka CatPaws 
Best of Luck to you both! Mary

All the best - Red Panda
So happy for you and your groom. Best wishes for your new life together! Hugging

Congrats on the start of your new life together. May you both be happier together than if you were apart.
Wishing you many decades of happiness together! steve111


I just learned about this card in the newsletter.

I wish you both the very best. May the rest of your lives make jealous the first part of your lives! Smiling
Lots of love!
Ray of Light

Congratulations on your marriage! I wish you many years of love and happiness!

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This page was last edited by vlf at 11:25AM on 5 June 2012

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