The Entire Goldie Collection
This page is a community project. Please, help organize and put together a full list of sorted Goldies, for everyone's enjoyment.
[ Goldie Game pieces ][ Goldies - Silver ][ Goldies - Gold ][ Goldies - Platinum ][ Goldies - Platinum Quick ]
[ Goldie Suggestions ]Jiggle words - How to create them
Newest Goldies: As of October, 2020 Available to Everybody | |||||
= Batter | = Beer | = Bbubble | = Beegold | = Biker | |
= Burp | = Burst | = Cardd | = Choke | = Dig | |
= Diroll | = Football2 | Frank | Frustrate | = Gflag | |
= Gl2 | = Graduate | = Groan | = Guitar | = HBang | |
= Hint | = Snail | = Invite | = LadyB | = LadyJ | |
= Lollipop | = Muscle | = Notcool | = Notgonna | = Rainbow | |
= Ohman | = Onfire | = Pitch | = Post2 | = Posting | |
= Proud | = Pssst.. | = Sam | = ShakeF | = Shiver | |
= Sigh | = Missed | = SOS | = Steam | = Truck | |
= Sup | = Thanky2 | = Theend | = WelcomeB | = Whatcha | |
= Worry | = Hmmm | = GoodS | = JestS | = Woot | |
= Judge | = Indian | = Jump | = Easteregg | = Bang2 | |
= fingernails | = goldieski | = gla | = match | = cheesy | |
= catch | = clubwelcome | = bday | = bday2 | = typo | |
= beback | = wild | = gottago | = patience | = semperfi | |
= cough | = thinking | = greatday | = goodnight | = ready | |
= closegame | = stop | = ahoy | = hola | = adios | |
= imo | = sweet! | = greatgame | = dontstopme | = howyoudoing | |
= mybad | = mybad2 | = igu | = karate | = vgg | |
= squirrel2 | = grayhair | = naughty | = chef | = crabby | |
= ready | = ducttape | = dreams | = yay | = still | |
= makemyday | = guess | = cinco | = bonjour | = later | |
= morning | = morning2 | = couldnt | = whisper | = run | |
= finish | = flashlight | = scissors | = pencil | = bandaid | |
= tape | = glue | = twine | = alarmclock | = fist | |
= petrol | = gas | = carrot | = eggplant | = tomato | |
= broccoli | = sugar | = radish | = leek | = garbage | |
= saw | = rope | = matches | = watercan | = hammerstone | |
= camping | = fire | = tent | = rollercoaster | = racehorse | |
= cartwheel | = sweat | = waiting | = please | = Win | |
= Win2 | = Win3 | = Go Team | = Happyd | = Happyd2 | |
= Bun |
Check_Marks: (Available to Gold and up) | |||||||
= check-k | = check-blu | = check-g | = check-pl | = check-r | = check-w | = check-y | = check-yy |
WATER: (Available to Platinum Members Only) | |||||
= Boat | = Fishing | = Sub | = Island | = Drown | = Swim |
= Shark | = Sea | = Help | = Fish | = Raft |
CONSTRUCTION: (Available to Platinum Members Only) | ||||||
= Road | = Light | = Drill | = Chainsaw | = Bulldozer | = Construction | = Builder |
HOME: (Available to Platinum Members Only) | ||||||
= House1 | = House2 | = Grass | = Gate | = Fence | = Road | = Light |
TOKENS: | |||
= Gold | = Silver | = Wood | = Tree |
= NewYear | = Valentine | = Easter | = Bunnylove | = Thnxgiving OR Gobble |
= Patsday | = 4th | = Halloween | = Veterans | = Labor |
= Witch | = AprilFools | = Memorial | = Mother | = Father |
VAL1 | = VAL3 | = VAL4 | = VAL5 | = VAL6 |
= VAL2 | = hea | = Stpaddy | = Stpaddy2 | = Stpaddy3 |
= Bunnyinegg | = Gtbunny | = Bunnyup | ||
= Bla | = Derp | = Cute | = Good | = Offtopic |
= Merci | = Mad | = Peace | = Agreed | = Fudge |
= Hiatus | = Sweet | = Loveit | = Ettu | = Drama |
= Abandon | = Bah | = Stop | = Back | = BRB |
= Late | = French | = Kewlpics | = Kewl | = Kewlpic |
= Bravo | = DidI | = Yarr | = Topic | = Wasntme |
= Funny | = Yeahthat | = Idiot | = Helpme | = TMI |
= Rules | = Read | |||
GENERAL: | |||||||
(Available to Platinum Members Only) | |||||||
= Bath | |||||||
(Below Platinum Members) | |||||||
= BeamMeUp | = bottle | = BCake | = Birthday | = Cake | = Camera | = Candelabra | = Candle |
= Cook | = Dance | = Donate | = Drumroll | = Fall | = Gift | = Hammer | = Hungry |
= Mirror | = Phone | = Pie | = Poo | = Pray | = Preach | = Rain | = Sweep |
= Type | = Wheelchair | = Whip | = Wiz | = Hamburger | = Brew | = Candy | = Pizza |
= Good Luck | = Balloon | = Gldice |
FEELINGS: | |||||||
(Platinum Members Only) | |||||||
= Arg | = Crazy | = Dead | = Happy | = Kisses | = LOL | = Nap | = Neener |
= Patr | = Poke | = Rofl | = Shy | = Tears | = Wag | = Xeye | = patl |
(For Other Membership Levels) | |||||||
= Aaa | = Bite | = Bla | = Blink | = Blunder | = Blush | = Breath | = Bugeye |
= CensoredMad | = Cheer | = Cloudy | = Confetti | = Cool | = Cry | = Derp | = Dizzy |
= Doctor | = Duh | = Eeek | = Falling | = Fright | = Grin | = Grr | = Hug |
= Hypno | = Hypnotise | = Hypnotize | = Kiss | = LaLa | = Laugh | = Love | = Ohno |
= Oops | = Panic | = Pucker | = Puzzle | = Puzzled | = Roll | = Sad | |
= Scream | = Screamlong | = Shh | = Shutup | = Sick | = Sleep | = Smile | = Tongue |
= Waaah | = Wink1 | = Wink2 | = Wink3 | = Yuck | = Shrug |
(Available to Platinum Members Only) | |||||||
= Group | = Pat | = Steam | = SH1 | = patl | = patr | = Bye | |
(Below Platinum Members) | |||||||
= Chatter | = Clap | = Congrats | = Crossed | = Cute | = Didi | = Doh | = Drama |
= Elvis | = Ettu | = Five | = Flowers | = Funny | = Gadzooks | = GetWell | = GG |
= GL | = Good | = Hand | = HaveFun | = Heart | = HeartL | = HeartR | = Help! |
= HelpMe | = Hi | = Humdinger | = Idiot | = Kewl | = Kewlpics | = Late | = Loveit |
= Read | = Resign | = SH2 | = Shake | = Snirt | = Sorry | = Sweet | = Thanks |
= ThanksB | = ThanksH | = TipHat | = TMI | = Topic | = Up | = Wasntme | = Wave |
= Welcome | = WellDone | = WHAT | = WooHoo | = WTG | = Yeah | = YeahThat | = YOWZA |
= Havefun | = Down | = Idea | = ty1 | = ty2 | = uhoh | = moose1 | = posted |
= Cheers | |||||||
PEOPLE: | |||||||
= UFO | = Bride | = Groom | = Builder | = Charge | Cheer | Cowboy | chicken |
Fireman | Glasses | Preach | Guard | HatB | HatG | HatR | Hardhat |
Hippy | Hungry | Jail | Jester | King | Masked | Nurse | Pirate |
Police | Policewoman | Stick | Sticklady | Stickman | Queen | Santa | Skull |
Straw | Soldierman | Soldierwoman | salute | Tiara | Winner | Witch | Yarr |
YeeHaw | Mom | Dad | BigSis | JR | Sissy | Teen | |
Uncle | Grampa | Grandma | Baby | Father | Mother | devilangel |
SPORTS: | |||||||
Biff | Pow | Sock | PunchL | PunchR | Car | CarR | CarB |
SabreB | SabreY | Zap | Zmm | SwordL | SwordR | Bow | Arrow |
Target | Ref | Football | YellowCardL | YellowCardR | RedCardL | RedCardR | Shorts |
Referee | Skate |
Goal_Meter: | |||||||
Goal | Goal Full | Goal1 | Goal1full | Goaltop | Goaltopfull |
GAMING: | |||||||
= Blunder | = Checkers | Chess | Gambit | GoldDotv | GolddotH | ||
Dice6 | Dice5 | Dice4 | Dice3 | Dice2 | Dice1 | Diceroll | |
VirusG | VirusP | VirusR | VirusY | VirusB | VirusO | ||
Drone | Solider | Captain | |||||
Checkmate |
Wiki_Games: | |||||||
= Apple | = Book | HammerStone | |||||
= Bottle | = Bus | = Sail | = Helil | = Helir | |||
= Sub2 | = Ship | = Plane | = Train | = Compass | |||
= Bee | = USA | = UK | = Halfmoon | = Corn | |||
= Cupcake | = Honey | = Fishbowl | = Anchor | = Shield | |||
= Key | = Lock | = Hershey | = Clover | = PCastle | |||
= GCrown | = Copyright | = Door | = Burger | = Golderos | |||
= Map | = BirthdayCake | = Slipper | ;;Trick;; = Trick | = Watch | |||
= Tele | = Stash | = Nugget | = Candles | = Cauldron | |||
= Contest | = RIP | = Lamp | = GBrick | = Mystery | |||
= Spot | = KingBudgie | = greenbow | = MyStar | = Everyday | |||
bandaid | tape | glue | twine | Flashlight | |||
Scissors | pencil | AlarmClock | petrol or gas | fist | |||
Carrot | Eggplant | Tomato | saw | Broccoli | |||
Sugar | DuctTape | rope | garbage | Matches | |||
DuctTape | Radish | leek | molotov | watercan | |||
=Food1 | =Food2 | =Food3 | =Food4 | =Food5 | |||
=Food6 | =Food7 | =Food8 | =Eat | =Blln1 | |||
=Blln2 | =Blln3 | =Blln4 | =Blln5 | =Blln6 | |||
=::Blln7 | =Blln8 | =Blln9 | =Blln10 | =Blln11 | |||
=Blln12 | =Blln13 | =Blln14 | =Race | =Race1 | |||
Race2 | Race3 | =Race4 | =Race5 | =Race6 | |||
=Race7 | =Race8 | =Garden1 | =Garden2 | =Garden3 | |||
=Garden4 | =Garden5 | =Garden6 | =Garden7 | =Garden8 | |||
=Weather1 | =Weather2 | =Weather3 | =Weather4 | =Weather5 | |||
=Weather6 | =Weather7 | =Weather8 | |||||
ANIMALS: | |||||||
CatB | CatG | CatY | Cat:: | Dog | DogB | DogG | DogY |
MouseG | MouseY | WalkB | WalkG | WalkY | WalkDog | ||
- crow | = mouse | = zebra |
MUSIC: | ||||||
Drumroll | Drumming | Piano | Singr | Singl | Singer1 | |
Singer2 | Trumpetr | Trumpetl | Violin | Wand | Bassr | Bassl |
Bus | Compass | HeliL | HeliR | Plane | vwbus | |
Ship | Sub2 | Train | Sail | = Carr | = carb | = car |
CHRISTMAS: | |||||||
Snow | Snowman | Igloo | SnowskiL | SnowskiR | SkiR | skiL | Star |
Rudolph | Deer1 | Deer2 | Deer3 | Deer4 | Deer5 | Sleigh | Santa |
Snowballs | treeX | holly | Star | Cracker | Card1 | Card2 | Card3 |
Wire | Lights1 | Lights2 | Baubles1 | Baubles2 | |||
Nativity | Elf | Elf2 | MrsS | SantaC | Nutcracker | CCane | Merry |
MerryC | HNY | ||||||
HALLOWEEN: | ||||||||
Boo | Bat | BroomCat | BroomHorse | Ghost | Pumpkin | Spider | TreeA | witch |
Moon | FullMoon | BlueMoon | Eye1 | Eye2 | Eye3 | Castle | = Halloween | skull |
Frank | BrideF | Dracula |
Bathorse | Wow | Doc | |||||
Pffft | Jest | Cheshire | |||||
Bubbly | Look | Ponder | |||||
Irish | Chew | Wreath | |||||
Flash | Goldie | SuperG | |||||
Harpo | Chico | Groucho | |||||
GT | Vamp | Bull | |||||
Einstein | Alien | Hay | |||||
Luv | Gras | No | |||||
Spring | Yes | Pop | |||||
Busted | Turkey | Potion | |||||
Chain | Heehaw | Lemons | |||||
Magic | Rose | Boo! | |||||
Deep | Smarty | . | . | ||||
sunshine | Xmass | Bell | |||||
Bunny | Valentine | Flirt | |||||
GoingFish | Dude | PoliceM | |||||
Gluck | Ggame | Howdy | |||||
Gluck2 | Ggame2 | Hi2 | |||||
GreyH | Beanie | BlackH | |||||
SunF | BunnyE | SailorH | |||||
GreenHat | Butterfh | zip |
Senet Game Pieces | ||
SENB for Blue | SENG for Green | SENK for Black |
SENLTB for Light Blue | SENP for Purple | SENR for Red |
SENW for White |
Ludo Game Pieces | |||
LUDB for Blue | LUDG for Green | LUDR for Red | LUDY for Yellow |
Code Gremlins
& = ;;gremlin2;; & ;;gremlin;;
Zodiac Signs
Aqua - Aries - Cancer - Capricorn - Gemini - Leo - Libra - Pisces - Sag - Scorpio - Taurus - Virgo
The Goldies below are labeled with a J for Jools:
;;Jaqua;; ;;Jaries;; ;;Jcancer;; ;;Jcapri;; ;;Jgemi;; ;;Jleo;; ;;Jlibra;; ;;Jpisces;; ;;Jsagi;; ;;Jtarus;; ;;Jscorpio;; ;;Jvirgo;;
BULLETS_and_Larger_BULLETS: | ||||||||||
: | ||||||||||
= bulletb | = bulletg | = bulleto | = bulletpk | |||||||
= bulletbl | = bulletgl | = bulletol | = bulletpkl | |||||||
= bulletpl | = bulletr | = bulletw | = bullety | |||||||
= bulletpll | = bulletrl | = BULLETW1L | = bulletyl | |||||||
= BULLETW2L | ||||||||||
= 1 | = 2 | = 3 | = 4 | = 5 | = 6 | |||||
= 1L | = 2L | = 3L | = 4L | = 5L | = 6L | |||||
= 7 | = 8 | = 9 | = 10 | = 11 | = 12 | |||||
= 7L | = 8L | = 9L | = 10L | = 11L | = 12 Unchanged |
= Score1 | = Score2 | = Score3 | = Score4 | = Score5 | = Score6 |
= Score7 | = Score8 | = Score9 | = Score0 | = ScoreZip |
Batman Inspired |
= pow! | = whap | = thwack | = oucheth | = flrbb | = clank |
= zzzzwap | = whack | = thunk | = ouch | = eeeyow | = bonk |
= zowie | = vronk | = splatt | = oooff | = cruncheth | = boff |
= zlopp | = uggh | = sock! | = klonk | = crunch | = bloop |
= zlonk | = urkkk | = slosh | = kayo | = crash | = biff! |
= zap! | = touche | = aieee | = kapow | = craaack | = bang |
= zammm | = thwape | = rakkk | = glurpp | = clunk | = bam |
= whammm | = thwacke | = powie | = glipp | = clash | = awkkk |
= : : zz : :
| = : : zzz : : | |
= : : zzzz : :
| = : : zzzzz : : | |
= : : zzzzzz : :
| = : : zzzzzzz : : | |
= : : zzzzzzzz : :
| = : : zzzzzzzzz : : | |
: : DividerPaws :
| = : DividerPaws : : : : DividerPaws : : : : DividerPaws : : | |
: : DividerSnow :
| = : DividerSnow : : : : DividerSnow : : : : DividerSnow : : | |
Thicker_PAGE_DIVIDERS: | ||
= : : ZZL : :
| = : : zzz : : Unchanged | |
= : : ZZZK : :
| = : : ZZZAQUA : : | |
= : : ZZZG : :
| = : : ZZZPL : : | |
= : : ZZZR : :
| = : : ZZZY : : | |
= : : ZZZZL : :
| = : : ZZZZZL : : | |
= : : zzzzzz : : : Unchanged | = : : : ZZZZZZL : : | |
= : : zzzzzzzz : : : Unchanged | = : : : ZZZZZZZZZL : : |
= DividerGT | = DividerGT3 | = DividerGT2 | = DividerGTL | = DividerGT2L |
= Divider1 | = DividerDaisy | = DividerBulb |
= Divider2 | = DividerDaisy2 | = DividerBulb2 |
= Divider3 | = DividerDaisy3 | = DividerBulb3 |
= DividerMonsters | = DividerDaisyL | = DividerBulb4 |
= DividerAce1 | = DividerLeash | |
= DividerAce2 | = DividerLeash2 | = DividerCurl |
= DividerAce3 | = DividerLeash3 | = DividerCurl2 |
= DividerLace | = DividerLeashL | = DividerCurl3 |
= DividerClover | = DividerLeash3L | = DividerCurl4 |
= DividerMen | = DividerPansy | = DividerCurl5 |
= DividerPets | = DividerHearts | = DividerCurl6 |
= DividerBlank (it's invisible for spacing) | = DividerCupcake | = DividerCurl7 |
= DividerWinter | = DividerStars | = DividerCurl8 |
= DividerSkull | = DividerPencils | = DividerCurl9 |
And something new *Invisible_Spacers*: | ||||
There is a spacer called "dividerblank." It is 50 pixels wide. You can not see it, but it will indent lines or separate items on a page. The 4 new ones are 32, 64, 96, and 128 pixels wide | ||||
128 pixels is the length of the standard page dividers seen above this. 64 pixels is half of that and 32 pixels is half of that length | ||||
= 32 pixel long line (ZZW32) | = 64 pixel long line (ZZW64) | = 128 pixel long line (ZZW128) | ||
= dividerblank32 | = dividerblank (50pxl) | = dividerblank64 | = dividerblank96 | = dividerblank128 |
= DividerSweet | = DividerBrella | = DividerDesk |
= DividerSweetL | = DividerBrellaL | = DividerDeskR |
- DividerSweet1 | = DividerTea | = DividerDeskL |
= DividerSweet2 | = DividerRibbon | = DividerBow |
= DividerSweet3 | = DividerRibbon2 | = DividerTabby |
= DividerSweet4 | = DividerCat | = DividerMellon |
= DividerCrayons | = DividerJack | = DividerWolf |
= DividerCards | = DividerCookies | = DividerM |
= DividerCats | = DividerBunny | = DividerOutdoors |
= DividerDuck | = DividerHeart | = DividerBones |
= DividerPudding | = DividerSun | = DividerXmas |
= DividerKitty | = DividerKitty4 | = DividerKitty7 | = DividerCorgi |
= DividerKitty2 | = DividerKitty5 | = DividerKitty8 | = DividerCorgi2 |
= DividerKitty3 | = DividerKitty6 | = DividerKitty9 | = DividerCorgi3 |
= DividerChoco | = DividerVine |
= DividerChoco2 | = DividerVineL |
= DividerChoco3 | = DividerHearts2 |
= DividerDogr = DividerDog | = DividerSwanr = DividerSwan |
= DividerDogs | = DividerDogs4 |
= DividerDogs2 | = DividerDogs5 |
= DividerDogs3 | = DividerDogs6 |
= DividerApple | = DividerW | = ;;DividerPink | |
= DividerAppleL | = DividerW | = DividerPink2 | |
= DividerAppleR | = DividerWR | = DividerPink3 | |
;;DividerBee;; |
;;DividerBee;; = DividerBee |
= DividerBee2 |
= DividerBee3 |
Other Goldies pages |
- [ Goldies - Everyone ] The basic set for all players - includes how to create and use Goldies.
- [ Advanced Goldies - Everyone ] An extensive set of Goldies to play with, once you have learned how to use them.
- [ Goldie Game pieces ] Goldies for wood and above - Trax, GO and Cards.
- [ Goldies - Silver ] Goldies for our Silver members.
- [ Goldies - Gold ] Goldies for our Gold members.
- [ Goldies - Platinum ] The complete set for Platinum members.
- [ Goldies - Platinum Quick ] The exclusive Platinum Goldies Quick List.
- [ Dividers and Bullets ] Available for everyone. Please see the [ Goldies - Everyone ] page for complete instructions.
- [ Goldies for Wiki Games ] ...but use them however you wish!
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
More Goldies on the way!!!
Any special requests can be added here~~~~>[ Goldie Suggestions ]
Also checkout our JIGgle_LETteRS_ at ~~~> Jiggle words - How to create them
Wiki Options
This page was last edited by GoldToken Support at 6:40PM on 12 November 2024