Nuggets in category: Senet
There are 6 Nuggets in this category. You can read individual Nuggets by clicking on the desired title. You can sort the list by clicking on the desired header. You can also return to the category list, search for Nuggets, go to your gamesheet, or write a new Nugget.
1 4 5 SanetMM David littlefair XI17 Aug at 5:32AM03 ( +1, -2 )
Adviceaprildawn2 Dec at 9:39AM17
At the end(steelbound)29 Aug at 8:07PM06
Don't know which way to go? Try using these helpful piecesladyvic24 Apr at 2:47PM10
Probability of Thrown sticks in SenetBuddha23 May at 10:33AM16
Where to begin in Senet(steelbound)30 Aug at 3:37PM01