December 2018
(unknown photo)
The start date for GoldToken's 2018 Winter Olympics has been postponed to December 16, 2018. If you'd like to play, there's still time to join! Simply join The GoldToken's Olympics Master Club and you'll be assigned to a team.
Just in case you forgot all the cool things that happened on GoldToken in 2018, here are some of the highlights:
Wishing you a joyous holiday season!

In this month's newsletter, we have:
Birthdays & Special Announcements
Photozone Competition
Photo Album of the Month
Game Of The Month
Best Recipe Contest
Pony Up!
Up Front & Personal
Testimonial Of The Month
Contest of the Month
Caption Contest
Icon Mania!
Breaking Club News
Olympic News
Birthday Wishes:
-- Happy Birthday to Renekins on December 2nd! - From The He's Alive Club -
-- Happy Birthday to Mom-of-DJ on December 6th! - From The Prime Time TV Club & The Word O'Rama Club -
-- Happy Birthday to Rohiputha on December 8th! - From The Classic TV & Music Club & The Word O'Rama Club -
-- Happy Birthday to silknlacy on December 9th! -
-- Happy Birthday to Opulent on December 10th! - From The He's Alive Club -
-- Happy Birthday to Senorita ZORRO_ on December 11th! From { Club } and The Pork Chop Club -
-- Happy Birthday to Sea Breeze on December 11th! - From The Classic TV & Music Club and The Scoop's Castle Club -
-- Happy Birthday to transfusion on December 12th! -
-- Happy Birthday to anguslady on December 14th! -
-- Happy Birthday to murrsquito on December 17th! - From The Classic TV & Music Club , The Friendship Club & The Word O'Rama Club -
-- Happy Birthday to berecca on December 18th! - From The Daily Laugh Club and { Club } -
-- Happy Birthday to mastitcher2 on December 18th! - From The Scoop's Castle Club -
-- Happy Birthday to Lady Sili on December 20th!- From The Scoop's Castle Club -
-- Happy Birthday to Markelle on December 20th! - From The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club -
-- Happy Birthday to rushfan2000 on December 20th! -
-- Happy Birthday to dizzy leeds lass on December 21st! -
-- Happy Birthday to HeatherN on December 21st! -
-- Happy Birthday to mysticdragon on December 22! - From The Classic TV & Music Club -
-- Happy Birthday to AZD159 on December 23rd! - From The Daily Laugh Club, The Pork Chop Club, The He's Alive Club, The Scoop's Castle Club, The Prime Time TV Club, The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club, The Friendship Club and { Club } -
-- Happy Birthday to eyeballs - From The Prime Time TV Club and The Friendship Club on December 23rd! -
-- Happy Birthday to Withacee on December 23rd! -
-- Happy Birthday to SLAMDUNKER on December 23rd! -
-- Happy Birthday to SUNSHINE on December 23rd! - From The Word O'Rama Club, The Scoop's Castle Club, The He's Alive Club and The Friendship Club -
-- Happy Birthday to sallyp on December 24th! - From The Daily Laugh Club, The Scoop's Castle Club and The Pork Chop Club -
-- Happy Birthday to missdeedee2j on December 24th! - From The Classic TV & Music Club and The Prime Time TV Club -
-- Happy Birthday to erletd on December 25th! -
-- Happy Birthday to klaashaas on December 28th! -
-- Happy Birthday to GingerSnapPA on December 28th! -
-- Happy Birthday to ZOE on December 28th! -
-- Happy Birthday to eliphont551 on December 29th! - From The Pork Chop Club and The Word O'Rama Club -
-- Happy Birthday to ladyvic on December 29th! - From The Classic TV & Music Club, The Daily Laugh Club, The Scoop's Castle Club, The He's Alive Club and The Friendship Club -
-- Happy Birthday to Handyman on December 30th! - From The Prime Time TV Club, The Scoop's Castle Club and The Daily Laugh Club -
-- Happy Birthday to * Sassy_Angel * on December 31st! -
-- Happy Birthday to nylady41 on December 31st! -
-- Happy Birthday to Jools on December 31st! - From The Daily Laugh Club -
Anniversary & Other Wishes:
-- Happy Wedding Anniversary
goes out to AutumnLeaves and her husband on December 24th! Many special wishes sent to you both!

sandi en margarita with (unknown photo) and Autumn with (unknown photo) are November's Photozone Competition winners who won the challenge with 
votes and will be awarded with a profile token. 
Jools with (unknown photo) and (steelbound) with (unknown photo) came in 2nd place with 12 votes 
Scheherizade came in 3rd place with 6 votes for (unknown photo) 
to all the winners and
to all of the members who participated either by submitting photos or voting and commenting.
We had a total of
Without you all, this competition wouldn't be active. 
You can view all the images submitted for the Photozone Competition by using the following link Photozone Zepher's Album titled 2018-11 Landscape - Get Low

The perception of seeing images of faces, animals, etc. in clouds or objects
(unknown photo)(unknown photo)
November's theme was
(unknown photo)
The winner is: MM David littlefair XI's Album
Watch for your profile token coming soon!
December's theme is:
(unknown photo)
This is what you've been waiting for! It's your choice of what you want to put in your album!
This will be lots of fun! I'm curious to see what theme your album will be.
So start working on your albums and join us for the Photo Album Contest!
You may be the next to win this cool Profile Token! (unknown photo)

December's game of the month is Hotspot Four In a Row! Join us in a fun Double Elimination Tournament by signing up today for The Dec 2018 - Game of the Month - Hotspot 4IAR Tournament!
In this variant of Four in a Row, a "hotspot" is randomly place on the board. The hotspot counts as a piece placed for either player and may be used to complete four in a row for either colored playing piece.
We hope you enjoy it!
November's winner is: Mom's Turkey Noodle Soup
My mom always made homemade egg noodles for this recipe as her mom did but I'm too lazy for that and found Mary B's dumpling to be 'almost' as good as Mom's.
1 Turkey carcass
1 Medium onion
1 Celery tops, heart and/or sticks as you want. (I usually use what was leftover from cooking Thanksgiving dinner.)
1 24oz pkg Mary B's frozen dumplings
Leftover broken up or shredded turkey meat to your liking.
1 cup whole milk
1 stick of butter
Salt and pepper
Place turkey carcass in a deep stock pot with cut up onion and broken up celery to make soup broth. Cover with water and simmer on stove top until remaining meat and bones fall apart. About an hour. Strain broth and discard carcass bones, onion and celery. Put broth back on stove top in stock pot and bring to a boil. Add Mary B's frozen dumplings one at a time into boiling broth. (I like to break the dumplings into smaller bite size pieces.) Follow the directions on the Mary B's package for cooking the dumpling's. When the dumpling's are done turn off heat then add left over turkey also add about a cup of whole milk and a stick of butter. (Butter is optional) Salt and pepper to taste. These are always better the next day.
GoldToken's JGY will receive a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Silver and Wood members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Please send a big
to JGY! 
December's recipe contest is: "Cookie Recipe". The winner will be given a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Guests, Wood and Silver members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Rules:
(unknown photo)
It's Christmas Holiday Season and I have an awesome token for your profile { Image: }.
We had so much fun with the last limerick that I thought it would be great to do this about here are the first two lines; please furnish me with the next three.
Send them to me with a PM. Take your time, make it good and we will vote on them. I will need all entries in by 12/13/18
The most wonderful time of the year,
All a-bustle with love, joy and cheer?
We had two recent winners in the Getting To Know Your GT Family game.

{ Image: }
We would like to say
to z71cat for letting us step into their personal life for a bit.
1. What brought you to GoldToken?
How'd you choose your name for GT?
2. What interests you most on GT?
Favorite game here?
3. What state or country do you reside in?
What in your state or country do you think tourists should definitely see?
4. What hobbies do you have?
5. Children? Grandchildren?
6. Do you work? What kind of work do/did you do?
7. Any pets?
8. Are you under 30?___ 30 to 50? ___ or over 50?
Male or Female?
9. What's the farthest you've been from home?
10. If you could be anywhere right now, where would that be?
11. Favorite season?
12, Favorite movie?
13. If you could meet anyone (living or dead) in the world, who would it be ?
If there are any questions you would like to see asked in future interviews, please let us know.
laura lee

I started back on July 25, 2009.
My aunt(stormy rebel) - she is the one that got me on it
I have a lot of them
Most Original Photo Album
December's contest of the month is the Most Original Photo Album with the theme Red. Winner will receive two extra months on their current membership, or, if Guest, a two-month Silver membership.
To submit your entry for voting, please post it on the Most Original Photo Album Contest DB, where everyone can check it out.
Note: Entries must be posted on the Most Original Photo Album Contest DB by no later than January 2, 2019.
to oldog! Be sure to click on her name and see her creative page! oldog, please be sure to write to GoldToken Support to claim a 2-month extension to your membership. 
The Caption Contest winner for the November, 2018, newsletter is Abby Normal with:
(unknown photo)
Honey - it's not what it looks like!
Abby Normal!
To enter December's Caption Contest, click on the link and post your best caption: (unknown photo).
The winner will be chosen by our news team, given 5 Golderos and announced in next month's newsletter.
Christmas is a month full of fun and reflection. You will find Christmas Icons on the Name Icons page in Row 1 and Row 2.
These special icons are now up for adoption for Guest, Wood and Silver members as well as Gold and Platinum members. Drop by the Icon Mania discussion board and make your request. I'll be looking for you.
Also, be sure to check out the Icon Of The Day.
May your holidays be filled with happiness, health, good cheer and the warmth of family.


There is a new club called { Club } There will be ladder games and their first automated tournament will be for Dominoes every month. They recently lost a good friend and Club Officer - Andy aka beachcomber - and the club will be dedicated to him. The Club is by Invitation Only. There are 11 open seats. More can be added. Contact Lisa Marie or Candy Cane Kaz for more information or an invite to this club.
ALSO NEW. It's { Club }. They will play internal club challenges using both wikis and automatic games without wikis. Check them out, it's an open membership club. If you want more info contact Nancy.
A long established club, since 2002 { Club } has changed ownership. Membership is for women only! Sorry men....FRIENDS like you...always have a home in our hearts!!!. They play internal games using a wiki and automatic variety games without a wiki. If you'd like to join in the fellowship, please send Nancy or Honeybear a PM asking to join.
The Sallyp and Friends Club is doing up the Christmas Holiday with 12 NEW Prize Christmas tourneys for GT Pens. A way of saying THANKS to all their members for participating in so many tournaments, both automatic and wiki challenges. sallyp sends warm and sincere thanks to johnnyyboy for organizing and running the tournaments offered in the club. She wishes all members a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Club owners, be sure to check out the new The Site Wide Club vs Club Tournament Club. Join in on the Committee if your club enjoys and wants to participate in the Site Wide Club vs Club Tournaments. This is the place you need to be to keep informed of what tournaments and what game(s) will be played.
Competitions are published when gold, silver & bronze winners have been determined
Did you find the hidden coin in the newsletter (unknown photo)? Our winner last month was Flowery.
[ Main: GoldToken's Monthly Newsletter - Past Issues ]
GoldToken's Monthly News |
- 2018 Winter Olympics Update
The start date for GoldToken's 2018 Winter Olympics has been postponed to December 16, 2018. If you'd like to play, there's still time to join! Simply join The GoldToken's Olympics Master Club and you'll be assigned to a team.

- 2018 in Review
Just in case you forgot all the cool things that happened on GoldToken in 2018, here are some of the highlights:
- Colored cribbage board options
- Fast ladders
- Awesome changes to timeouts in Whist and variants
- Completion of the HTTPS update
Wishing you a joyous holiday season!

In this month's newsletter, we have:

Birthday Wishes:
-- Happy Birthday to Renekins on December 2nd! - From The He's Alive Club -

-- Happy Birthday to Mom-of-DJ on December 6th! - From The Prime Time TV Club & The Word O'Rama Club -

-- Happy Birthday to Rohiputha on December 8th! - From The Classic TV & Music Club & The Word O'Rama Club -

-- Happy Birthday to silknlacy on December 9th! -

-- Happy Birthday to Opulent on December 10th! - From The He's Alive Club -

-- Happy Birthday to Senorita ZORRO_ on December 11th! From { Club } and The Pork Chop Club -

-- Happy Birthday to Sea Breeze on December 11th! - From The Classic TV & Music Club and The Scoop's Castle Club -

-- Happy Birthday to transfusion on December 12th! -

-- Happy Birthday to anguslady on December 14th! -

-- Happy Birthday to murrsquito on December 17th! - From The Classic TV & Music Club , The Friendship Club & The Word O'Rama Club -

-- Happy Birthday to berecca on December 18th! - From The Daily Laugh Club and { Club } -

-- Happy Birthday to mastitcher2 on December 18th! - From The Scoop's Castle Club -

-- Happy Birthday to Lady Sili on December 20th!- From The Scoop's Castle Club -

-- Happy Birthday to Markelle on December 20th! - From The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club -

-- Happy Birthday to rushfan2000 on December 20th! -

-- Happy Birthday to dizzy leeds lass on December 21st! -

-- Happy Birthday to HeatherN on December 21st! -

-- Happy Birthday to mysticdragon on December 22! - From The Classic TV & Music Club -

-- Happy Birthday to AZD159 on December 23rd! - From The Daily Laugh Club, The Pork Chop Club, The He's Alive Club, The Scoop's Castle Club, The Prime Time TV Club, The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club, The Friendship Club and { Club } -

-- Happy Birthday to eyeballs - From The Prime Time TV Club and The Friendship Club on December 23rd! -

-- Happy Birthday to Withacee on December 23rd! -

-- Happy Birthday to SLAMDUNKER on December 23rd! -

-- Happy Birthday to SUNSHINE on December 23rd! - From The Word O'Rama Club, The Scoop's Castle Club, The He's Alive Club and The Friendship Club -

-- Happy Birthday to sallyp on December 24th! - From The Daily Laugh Club, The Scoop's Castle Club and The Pork Chop Club -

-- Happy Birthday to missdeedee2j on December 24th! - From The Classic TV & Music Club and The Prime Time TV Club -

-- Happy Birthday to erletd on December 25th! -

-- Happy Birthday to klaashaas on December 28th! -

-- Happy Birthday to GingerSnapPA on December 28th! -

-- Happy Birthday to ZOE on December 28th! -

-- Happy Birthday to eliphont551 on December 29th! - From The Pork Chop Club and The Word O'Rama Club -

-- Happy Birthday to ladyvic on December 29th! - From The Classic TV & Music Club, The Daily Laugh Club, The Scoop's Castle Club, The He's Alive Club and The Friendship Club -

-- Happy Birthday to Handyman on December 30th! - From The Prime Time TV Club, The Scoop's Castle Club and The Daily Laugh Club -

-- Happy Birthday to * Sassy_Angel * on December 31st! -

-- Happy Birthday to nylady41 on December 31st! -

-- Happy Birthday to Jools on December 31st! - From The Daily Laugh Club -

Anniversary & Other Wishes:
-- Happy Wedding Anniversary

* If you would like to announce any birthdays, anniversaries or other special events coming up for next month, please send GoldToken's Newshound a message before the 25th of this month, so we can give them a shout out in next month's newsletter! (Please keep all announcements upcoming and not belated. Announcements submitted after the newsletter is published, cannot be put in after the fact, we're sorry!)
Photozone Competition |
Brought to you by: Photozone Zepher |

We had a total of 

entries and 
votes this month.
Without you all, this competition wouldn't be active. 

The theme for December's competition will be:
(unknown photo)The perception of seeing images of faces, animals, etc. in clouds or objects
(unknown photo)(unknown photo)
Photo Album of the Month |
Brought to you by: ladyvic |
November's theme was
(unknown photo)
The winner is: MM David littlefair XI's Album

December's theme is:
(unknown photo)
This is what you've been waiting for! It's your choice of what you want to put in your album!
This will be lots of fun! I'm curious to see what theme your album will be.
So start working on your albums and join us for the Photo Album Contest!
You may be the next to win this cool Profile Token! (unknown photo)

Game Of The Month |
December's game of the month is Hotspot Four In a Row! Join us in a fun Double Elimination Tournament by signing up today for The Dec 2018 - Game of the Month - Hotspot 4IAR Tournament!

In this variant of Four in a Row, a "hotspot" is randomly place on the board. The hotspot counts as a piece placed for either player and may be used to complete four in a row for either colored playing piece.
We hope you enjoy it!
Best Recipe Contest |
November's winner is: Mom's Turkey Noodle Soup
- Submitted by JGY
My mom always made homemade egg noodles for this recipe as her mom did but I'm too lazy for that and found Mary B's dumpling to be 'almost' as good as Mom's.
1 Turkey carcass
1 Medium onion
1 Celery tops, heart and/or sticks as you want. (I usually use what was leftover from cooking Thanksgiving dinner.)
1 24oz pkg Mary B's frozen dumplings
Leftover broken up or shredded turkey meat to your liking.
1 cup whole milk
1 stick of butter
Salt and pepper
Place turkey carcass in a deep stock pot with cut up onion and broken up celery to make soup broth. Cover with water and simmer on stove top until remaining meat and bones fall apart. About an hour. Strain broth and discard carcass bones, onion and celery. Put broth back on stove top in stock pot and bring to a boil. Add Mary B's frozen dumplings one at a time into boiling broth. (I like to break the dumplings into smaller bite size pieces.) Follow the directions on the Mary B's package for cooking the dumpling's. When the dumpling's are done turn off heat then add left over turkey also add about a cup of whole milk and a stick of butter. (Butter is optional) Salt and pepper to taste. These are always better the next day.
GoldToken's JGY will receive a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Silver and Wood members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Please send a big

December's recipe contest is: "Cookie Recipe". The winner will be given a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Guests, Wood and Silver members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Rules:
- Entries must be posted by the recipe guardian/creator on the Cutting Board DB.
- Recipe must be original and have never been posted on the Cutting Board DB before.
(unknown photo)
It's Christmas Holiday Season and I have an awesome token for your profile { Image: }.
We had so much fun with the last limerick that I thought it would be great to do this about here are the first two lines; please furnish me with the next three.

The most wonderful time of the year,
All a-bustle with love, joy and cheer?
We had two recent winners in the Getting To Know Your GT Family game.

Up front & personal |
Interview by: laura lee |
{ Image: }
We would like to say

1. What brought you to GoldToken?
How'd you choose your name for GT?
- My sister Pinksmoke has been a member since 2006. We have shared a home
since 2003 and she wanted me to join but I worked full time and didn't think I could give it the time. 2 years ago when I retired I joined mainly so I had a place to play cribbage. My name reflects my two loves. My 1993 Z71 Chevy truck. The only brand new vehicle I have ever bought and I still own it and cats. My sister and I designed and created a vehicle graphic of a leopard on a branch and put it on the tail gate in 1994. Thus z71cat was born.
2. What interests you most on GT?
Favorite game here?
- I enjoy most everything here from the boards
and polls to the games and the people.
It is so neat to play with someone from Ireland or Australia, to hear someone saying they are across the pond.
Most players are so friendly. Always a
, or
. Also the things people do extra here. Like this newsletter so people can get to know more about who they play with, the concern people show when a player is missing.
When it is just about winning a game instead of playing a game these don't exist. So thanks to all of you who do these things to make GoldToken special.
- My favorite game is tougher now than when I started. Cribbage brought me here and I will stand with it as my favorite but love many others now as well.
3. What state or country do you reside in?
What in your state or country do you think tourists should definitely see?
- I live in Michigan. In the lower southwest corner not far from Kalamazoo. Yes there really is a Kalamazoo
We lived in Texas for a number of years and just moved home to Michigan this past June. So happy to be home. the one thing in Michigan everyone should see is one of the first we went and did after getting here. The Mighty Mack !! The Mackinac Bridge the spans from the lower to the upper parts of Michigan. Second thing is any of the great lakes. Ours here is Lake Michigan, only about 20 miles away. Like an ocean but nothing to bite you, eat you, or sting you.
4. What hobbies do you have?
- I am a dabbler. No serious hobbies. Like to work in the wood shop with sister, garden with sister, read and play GoldToken
5. Children? Grandchildren?
- I have two sons
who live close by. Missed that when we were in Texas. My oldest son has a son
who just turned 18 and graduated this year. My youngest son has a daughter
who just turned 15 in September. Jeepers, how did those little grandkids grow up so darn fast!
6. Do you work? What kind of work do/did you do?
- I am retired now but I worked 20 years for the United Stated Postal Service as a clerk/carrier and a Postmaster when I left. In Texas I worked for a building supply corp. called McCoys. I was a cashier to start but Office Admin when I left. I spent 16 years there.
7. Any pets?
- We have two fur babies now. Pinksmoke has a snowshoe Siamese (Foxie) we found and rescued as a 5 wk old kitten.
Then a year later almost to the day we found Merlin, my baby, in the Walmart parking lot in Kerrville Tx. Took us a while to catch him but God made tails for a reason and I did catch him. He is all black with gold eyes.
He was about 4 1/2 wks old. They are now 3 and 2 and we would be lost without them.
8. Are you under 30?___ 30 to 50? ___ or over 50?
Male or Female?
- Female
and over 50. Now widowed and retired.
9. What's the farthest you've been from home?
- One summer when my boys were just around 10 and 12 my sister and I took them to Niagara Falls, Canada. We camped across Canada as we went. A lot of fun. I guess that would be the furthest, although I have been to a number of areas in the USA.
10. If you could be anywhere right now, where would that be?
- I am always most happy at home but I would really love to go to Ireland. Ireland
11. Favorite season?
- My favorite season has always been fall.
Just something about the smell in the air, the colors, apple time
12, Favorite movie?
- My favorite movie is an old classic with Bing Crosby called White Christmas.
I don't know that I have a favorite actor or actress. Have never been a huge movie buff except for dance movies. Same with TV. We watch So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing with the Stars and the Voice. I am not much on TV drama shows. As for favorite songs it seems the one that comes to mind first is "Daddy's Hands" by Pam Tillis. Powerful and loving song that very much fit our daddy
13. If you could meet anyone (living or dead) in the world, who would it be ?
- I would like to meet Nora Roberts. She is by far my favorite author. She also writes under the name JD Robb. The lady has a fluid and brilliant mind and what feels like a warm and loving heart in everything she writes.
If there are any questions you would like to see asked in future interviews, please let us know.
laura lee

Testimonial Of The Month |
Brought to you by: *GoldToken* Players |
I started back on July 25, 2009.
My aunt(stormy rebel) - she is the one that got me on it
- 2018 Summer Olympics team
- 5x3
- Animal Icon
- Classic TV & Music
- Complete Checkers
- Dice Pipe & Salvo
- Deck of Cards
- Fairy Tales
- For the love of draughts
- Friendship
- Hoots Hide-a-way
- Hornadoes
- High Rollers
- Popular Games
- Prime Time TV
- Sallyp & friends
- Save our earth
- Scoops Castle
- Wolf Pack
- World of words
- To your health
- Tournament only
I have a lot of them
- Dominoes variants
- Shakes variants
- Rummikub variants
- Mancala variants
- Chess
- Checkers
- Cribbage
- Loco Ochos
- Four in a row variants
- Senet variants
- Gold Dots variants
- Hangman
- Pipes
- Rock Paper Scissors
- Whist
- Salvo variants
Contest of the Month |
Most Original Photo Album
December's contest of the month is the Most Original Photo Album with the theme Red. Winner will receive two extra months on their current membership, or, if Guest, a two-month Silver membership.
To submit your entry for voting, please post it on the Most Original Photo Album Contest DB, where everyone can check it out.

Note: Entries must be posted on the Most Original Photo Album Contest DB by no later than January 2, 2019.
We have a winner for the Most Original Profile contest!

Caption Contest |
The Caption Contest winner for the November, 2018, newsletter is Abby Normal with:
(unknown photo)
Honey - it's not what it looks like!

To enter December's Caption Contest, click on the link and post your best caption: (unknown photo).
The winner will be chosen by our news team, given 5 Golderos and announced in next month's newsletter.
Icon Mania! |
Brought to you by: GoldToken's Icon Fairy |
These special icons are now up for adoption for Guest, Wood and Silver members as well as Gold and Platinum members. Drop by the Icon Mania discussion board and make your request. I'll be looking for you.

Also, be sure to check out the Icon Of The Day.
May your holidays be filled with happiness, health, good cheer and the warmth of family.

Breaking Club News: |
Brought to you by GoldToken's roving reporter, PattyMac |
ALSO NEW. It's { Club }. They will play internal club challenges using both wikis and automatic games without wikis. Check them out, it's an open membership club. If you want more info contact Nancy.
A long established club, since 2002 { Club } has changed ownership. Membership is for women only! Sorry men....FRIENDS like you...always have a home in our hearts!!!. They play internal games using a wiki and automatic variety games without a wiki. If you'd like to join in the fellowship, please send Nancy or Honeybear a PM asking to join.
The Sallyp and Friends Club is doing up the Christmas Holiday with 12 NEW Prize Christmas tourneys for GT Pens. A way of saying THANKS to all their members for participating in so many tournaments, both automatic and wiki challenges. sallyp sends warm and sincere thanks to johnnyyboy for organizing and running the tournaments offered in the club. She wishes all members a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Club owners, be sure to check out the new The Site Wide Club vs Club Tournament Club. Join in on the Committee if your club enjoys and wants to participate in the Site Wide Club vs Club Tournaments. This is the place you need to be to keep informed of what tournaments and what game(s) will be played.
Olympic News |
Brought to you by: *GoldTokens* Olympic *Presidents*(unknown photo) |
Olympic Winners! A big congratulations to these players & their clubs!
The Upper Division of the Grabble Race Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 5 Tournament | ||
Grabble Race | ||
Gold & Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Enyo Club | DIRKSTRA |
Gold & Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Kydoimos Club | Senorita ZORRO_ |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Kydoimos Club | berecca |
The Pente Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 5 Tournament | ||
Pente | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Enyo Club | twotees |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Polemos Club | AndrewB |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alke Club | wallywalter |
The Upper Division of the Dice Pipe Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 6 Tournament | ||
Dice Pipe | ||
Gold & Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | Lorry |
Gold & Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Homados Club | MT |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Polemos Club | cindygal |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Kydoimos Club | RabidWolff of the Wolf Pack |
The Any Which Way Duel Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 6 Tournament | ||
Any Which Way Duel | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | HenryJaimes |
Silver & Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | jbdobie |
Silver & Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | rabbitoid |
Silver & Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Kydoimos Club | RabidWolff of the Wolf Pack |
The Lower Division of the Salvo Plus Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 2 Tournament | ||
Salvo Plus | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | jamchug |
Silver & Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Kydoimos Club | berecca |
Silver & Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Enyo Club | REBEL DJ |
The Upper Division of the Mau Mau Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 5 Tournament | ||
Mau Mau | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alke Club | wallywalter |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alke Club | ellieoop |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Polemos Club | AndrewB |
The Small Reversi Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 5 Tournament | ||
Small Reversi | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | eli |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | arachna |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Kydoimos Club | SarahMills |
The Lines of Action Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 5 Tournament | ||
Lines of Action | ||
Gold & Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | cmacker |
Gold & Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | rabbitoid |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Enyo Club | twotees |
The Advanced Division of the Tourne-case Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 5 Tournament | ||
Tourne-case | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | smelly feet |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alke Club | johnnyyboy |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Homados Club | MT |
The Lower Division of the Large Dice Pipes Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 3 Tournament | ||
Large Dice Pipes | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Kydoimos Club | Senorita ZORRO_ |
Silver & Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Polemos Club | Buddha |
Silver & Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alke Club | wallywalter |
The Upper Division of the Large Dice Pipes Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 3 Tournament | ||
Large Dice Pipes | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | jbdobie |
Silver & Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | DavidJ |
Silver & Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Enyo Club | katja |
Silver & Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | thebodywall |
The Quarto Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 6 Tournament | ||
Quarto | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | rabbitoid |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | thebodywall |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Polemos Club | AndrewB |
The Xiphias Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 5 Tournament | ||
Xiphias | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | M3 |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | rabbitoid |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | arachna |
The Advanced Division of the Backgammon Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 1A Tournament | ||
Backgammon | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Kydoimos Club | The Boccia Surgeon |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Polemos Club | Road Runner |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alke Club | wallywalter |
The Go Moku Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 4 Tournament | ||
Go Moku | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Kydoimos Club | road_hog |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alke Club | wallywalter |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | DavidJ |
The Rock Paper Scissors Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 6 Tournament | ||
Rock Paper Scissors | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | cmacker |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Homados Club | rushfan2000 |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Homados Club | MT |
The Novice Division of the Shake It Fast Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 6 Tournament | ||
Shake It Fast | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | ellieoop |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | Sushi Warrior |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Homados Club | MT |
The Giveaway Checkers Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 2 Tournament | ||
Giveaway Checkers | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | rabbitoid |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Enyo Club | Ray of Light |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | jbdobie |
The Lower Division of the Shake Your Bootie Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 6 Tournament | ||
Shake Your Bootie | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Homados Club | BettyAnn |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Polemos Club | globalroamer |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Kydoimos Club | berecca |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alke Club | johnnyyboy |
The Lower Division of the Connect Six Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 7 - Mystery Games Tournament | ||
Connect Six | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | rabbitoid |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | Straycat |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alke Club | johnnyyboy |
The Lucky Trax Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 6 Tournament | ||
Lucky Trax | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alke Club | wallywalter |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Enyo Club | REBEL DJ |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | jbdobie |
The Expert Division of the Acey Deucey Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 1A Tournament | ||
Acey Deucey | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Kydoimos Club | George 1955 |
Silver & Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | DavidJ |
Silver & Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | Kiki |
The Chinese Checkers Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 3 Tournament | ||
Chinese Checkers | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alke Club | spiritebear |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Homados Club | EPICURUS 75 |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | jbdobie |
The Quicksand Four In a Row Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 1 Tournament | ||
Quicksand Four In a Row | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alke Club | wallywalter |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Polemos Club | grade1teacher |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alke Club | Lorraine of the Renegades |
The Upper Division of the Dice Salvo Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 6 Tournament | ||
Dice Salvo | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Enyo Club | (steelbound) |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | Man of Steel |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Polemos Club | Road Runner |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Enyo Club | steve111 |
The Upper Division of the Maxi Shake Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 5 Tournament | ||
Maxi Shake | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alke Club | ozallan |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alke Club | HRTrules |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Kydoimos Club | road_hog |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Polemos Club | Tian-Xian |
The Advanced Division of the Hypergammon Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 4 Tournament | ||
Hypergammon | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Polemos Club | Hillbilly |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | HRTrules |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Homados Club | heyred72 |
The Camelot Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 5 Tournament | ||
Camelot | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | rabbitoid |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | Straycat |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | arachna |
The Upper Division of the Multi-Hit Salvo Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 4 Tournament | ||
Multi-Hit Salvo | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Enyo Club | steve111 |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | Man of Steel |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Kydoimos Club | RabidWolff of the Wolf Pack |
The Upper Division of the Fast Cribbage Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 3 Tournament | ||
Fast Cribbage | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | jamchug |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | wallywalter |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | ozallan |
The Upper Division of the Shake Your Bootie Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 6 Tournament | ||
Shake Your Bootie | ||
Gold & Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Polemos Club | AndrewB |
Gold & Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | cmacker |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Polemos Club | kruntessa |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Enyo Club | jd91 |
The Reverse Backgammon Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 1 Tournament | ||
Reverse Backgammon | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | jbdobie |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Homados Club | EPICURUS 75 |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Kydoimos Club | The Boccia Surgeon |
The Novice Division of the Tourne-case Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 5 Tournament | ||
Tourne-case | ||
Gold & Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | Silkwood |
Gold & Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | HenryJaimes |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Homados Club | marshagee |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | Lowell |
The Upper Division of the Connect Six Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 7 - Mystery Games Tournament | ||
Connect Six | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alke Club | wallywalter |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | DavidJ |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | jbdobie |
The Advanced Division of the Shake Rattle & Roll Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 4 Tournament | ||
Shake Rattle & Roll | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | HRTrules |
Silver & Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Polemos Club | laura lee |
Silver & Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Homados Club | MT |
The Small Grabble Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 1 Tournament | ||
Small Grabble | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | jbdobie |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Perses Club | Straycat |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Kydoimos Club | Senorita ZORRO_ |
The Square CrossDowns Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 4 Tournament | ||
Square CrossDowns | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Enyo Club | (steelbound) |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | birdstoe |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Polemos Club | Buddha |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Homados Club | EPICURUS 75 |
The Domination Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 5 Tournament | ||
Domination | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Polemos Club | golfnutrof |
Silver | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Enyo Club | (steelbound) |
Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Kydoimos Club | SkiptonBull |
The Intermediate Division of the Whist Competition in The 2018 Summer Olympics Group 3 Tournament | ||
Whist | ||
Gold | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Alala Club | jamchug |
Silver & Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Polemos Club | Buddha |
Silver & Bronze | The 2018 Summer Olympics Team Polemos Club | laura lee |

Wanted |
- Do you have a special story, poem or testimonial you would like to share? How about some club news, announcements or any other special events? Then don't delay, send GoldToken's Newshound your submissions today! We look forward to hearing from you!
** (Please note: All submissions are added on a first come first serve basis.) **
Did you find the hidden coin in the newsletter (unknown photo)? Our winner last month was Flowery.
to her for spotting it and being the first to send a message to GoldToken's Newshound. We would like to give everyone a chance to play this fun game and win 5 Golderos,so you will only be eligible to win the Coin Hunt once every six months.

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This page was last edited by heyred72 at 6:03PM on 3 December 2018
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