Goldie Game pieces

[ Goldie Game pieces ][ Goldies - Silver ][ Goldies - Gold ][ Goldies - Platinum ][ Goldies - Platinum Quick ]
[ Goldie Suggestions ] and Jiggle words - How to create them

Goldies may be used on games, discussion boards, in messages and wikis.

Vine DividerVine DividerVine DividerVine Divider

If you don't know how to use Goldies yet, it's about time you learn!

12 Follow these easy instructions:

12 Simply type two colons : : followed by the desired word and end with two colons.

12 There should be no spaces anywhere.

Vine DividerVine DividerVine DividerVine Divider

Game Pieces

Game pieces for Wood members and above.

: : GOs : :GO BlankSquarewwbbWWBBwbwbWBWB
: : GOb : :GO BlackBlackwbwbWBWBbwbwBWBW
: : GOw : :GO WhiteWhitebbwwBBWWtraxTrax space
: : GObx : :GO Black CrossBlack XbwwbBWWB
: : GOwx : :GO White CrossWhite XCards
: : GOc1 : :GO Corner 1 Top LeftCorner 1dheaDancing Cards Suit Hearts
: : GOc2 : :Go Corner 2 Top RightCorner 2dcluDancing Cards Suit Clubs
: : GOc3 : :GO Corner 3 Bottom LeftCorner 3dspaDancing Cards Suit Spades
: : GOc4 : :GO Corner 4 Bottom LeftCorner 4ddiaDancing Cards Suit Diamonds
: : GOst : :GO Side TopSide Top
: : GOsr : :GO Side RightSide Right
: : GOsb : :Go Side BottomSide Bottom
: : GOsl : :GO Side LeftSide Left
: : GOP : :GO PointPoint
: : GOM : :Go MarkerRed Marker
: : MW : :White MarkerWhite Marker
: : MW1 : :1 WhiteWhite 1
: : MW2 : :2 WhiteWhite 2
: : MW3 : :3 WhiteWhite 3
: : MW4 : :4 WhiteWhite 4
: : MW5 : :5 WhiteWhite 5
: : MB : :Black MarkerBlack Marker
: : MB1 : :1 BlackBlack 1
: : MB2 : :2 BlackBlack 2
: : MB3 : :3 blackBlack 3
: : MB4 : :4 BlackBlack 4
: : MB5 : :5 BlackBlack 5
: : Mi : :Empty IntersectionEmpty Intersection

Use as for regular goldies with two colons or semicolons either side of the key word. All with NO spaces between.

eg : : GOs : : or ; ; GOs ; ; will give GO Blank

To make a grid like the one below...
For best alignment start at the left hand side of the page and make sure there are no spaces between connected pieces or at the end of a row. (Otherwise there will be a gap between rows)

You will end up with four colons in a row between pieces.
eg : : GOs : : : : GOb : : will give GO BlankGO Black

GO BlankGO BlankGO BlackGO Blank
GO BlackGO BlankGO WhiteGO White Cross
GO BlankGO WhiteGO BlankGO Blank
GO BlankGO BlankGO BlankGO Blank

The code for the above grid is:

: GOs : : : : GOs : : : : GOb : : : : GOs : :
: GOb : : : : GOs : : : : GOw : : : : GOwx : :
: GOs : : : : GOw : : : : GOs : : : : GOs : :
: GOs : : : : GOs : : : : GOs : : : : GOs : :

New Marker Go pieces:
: : MB1 : : : : MB2 : : : : MB3 : : : : MB4 : : : : MB5 : : : : MB : :
: : MW1 : : : : MW2 : : : : MW3 : : : : MW4 : : : : MW5 : : : : MW : :
Are the first two lines of:
1 Black2 Black3 black4 Black5 BlackBlack Marker
1 White2 White3 White4 White5 WhiteWhite Marker

Grid example:
GO Corner 1 Top LeftGO Side TopGO Side TopGO Side TopGO Side TopGO Side Top2 White4 White
GO Side Left1 BlackGO BlankGO BlankGO BlankGO BlankGO BlankGO Side Right
GO Side LeftBlack MarkerWhite MarkerGO BlankGO BlankGO Blank5 WhiteGO Side Right
GO Side Left1 WhiteGO Blank2 BlackGO BlankGO Blank4 BlackGO Side Right
GO Side LeftGO BlankGO BlankGO BlankGO BlankGO BlankGO BlankGO Side Right
3 White3 blackGO BlankGO BlankGO BlankGO BlankGO BlankGO Side Right
GO Corner 3 Bottom LeftGo Side BottomGo Side BottomGo Side BottomGo Side BottomGo Side Bottom5 BlackGO Corner 4 Bottom Left

Trax pieces - Use two colons : : ot two semicolons ; ; either side. Don't have spaces even at the ends of rows.

wwbb = WWBB these are labelled clockwise from the top.
bbww = BBWW
wbbw = WBBW
bwwb = BWWB
wbwb = WBWB
bwbw = BWBW
trax = Trax space this is a blank.


The code for the above is:

: wwbb : : : : bbww : : : : wbwb : : : : trax : :
: bbww : : : : wbwb : : : : wbwb : : : : bwwb : :
: wwbb : : : : wbbw : : : : wbwb : :

Squares (for crosswords, sudoko or other games):

Black ; ; sb ; ; (s for square, b for black etc.)
Red ; ; sr ; ;

Transparent ; ; st ; ;

Red squareZRed squareBlack square
Black squareTransparent squareBlack square3
Red squareBlack squareRed squareBlack square
9Red squareTransparent squareRed square

Code for above is:
; ; sr ; ;Z; ; sr ; ;; ; sb ; ;
; ; sb ; ;; ; st ; ;; ; sb ; ;3
; ; sr ; ;; ; sb ; ;; ; sr ; ;; ; sb ; ;
9; ; sr ; ;; ; st ; ;; ; sr ; ;
These pieces are set within a wiki grid. See [ How to make a wiki table ]

Mahjong Tiles:

Mahjong Character 1Mahjong Character 2Mahjong Character 3Mahjong Character 4Mahjong Character 5Mahjong Character 6Mahjong Character 7Mahjong Character 8Mahjong Character 9
Mahjong Character 1Mahjong Character 2Mahjong Character 3Mahjong Character 5Mahjong Character 5Mahjong Character 6Mahjong Character 7Mahjong Character 8Mahjong Character

Mahjong Bamboo 1Mahjong Bamboo 2Mahjong Bamboo 3Mahjong Bamboo 4Mahjong Bamboo 5Mahjong Bamboo 6Mahjong Bamboo 7Mahjong Bamboo 8Mahjong Bamboo 9
Mahjong Bamboo 1Mahjong Bamboo 2Mahjong Bamboo 3Mahjong Bamboo 4Mahjong Bamboo 5Mahjong Bamboo 6Mahjong Bamboo 7Mahjong Bamboo 8Mahjong Bamboo 9

Mahjong Circles 1Mahjong Circles 2Mahjong Circles 3Mahjong Circles 4Mahjong Circles 5Mahjong Circles 6Mahjong Circles 7Mahjong Circles 8Mahjong Circles 9
Mahjong Circles 1Mahjong Circles 2Mahjong Circles 3Mahjong Circles 4Mahjong Circles 5Mahjong Circles 6Mahjong Circles 7Mahjong Circles 8Mahjong Circles 9

Mahjong Wind EastMahjong Wind NorthMahjong Wind SouthMahjong Wind West
Mahjong Wind EastMahjong Wind NorthMahjong Wind SouthMahjong Wind West

Mahjong Dragon GreenMahjong Dragon RedMahjong Dragon White
Mahjong Dragon GreenMahjong Dragon RedMahjong Dragon White

Want to keep track of which color peg you are in Cribbage or some of the Dominoes games?
Cribbage Blue PegCribbage Peg RedCribbage Green PegCribbage Yellow Peg
Blue PegRed PegGreen PegYellow Peg

Want to keep track of what color and direction you are in Diagonal Duels?
Diag Duel BlueDD GreenDD PurpleDiag Duel Red

Want to keep track of what color you are in Ludocrous?

Want to keep track of what color you are in Senet?
Senet BlueSenet GreenSenet BlackSenet Light BlueSenet-PurpleSenet-White
BlueGreenBlackLight BluePurpleWhite

Other Goldies pages

Good luck *** Jester *** Using light sabre to ZAP Using light sabre to ZMM *** Waving Red Sabre Flying yellow horse *** Good game *** King Crown Queen *** Flying white horse *** Bride Loving eyes Groom *** Puckering Looking cool *** Laughing *** Have fun

More Goldies on the way!!! Thumbs up
Any special requests can be added here~~~~>[ Goldie Suggestions ]

Also checkout our JIGgle_LETteRS_ at ~~~> Jiggle words - How to create them
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This page was last edited by marcmandy at 8:41AM on 18 April 2022

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