May 2024

(unknown photo)

GoldToken's Monthly News

April was a quiet month around GoldToken, but there's plenty going on behind the scenes. You never know what's coming next, but it's sure to be something exciting. Here's to a relaxing, game-filled May. Smiling

Wishing you much luck and tons of fun!



In this month's newsletter, we have:
Bulletpl Birthdays & Special Announcements
Bulletpl Photozone Competition
Bulletpl Discussion Boards in the Spotlight
Bulletpl Photo Album of the Month
Bulletpl Game of the Month
Bulletpl Club VS Club Tournament of the Month
Bulletpl Best Recipe Contest
Bulletpl Crafters' Fair
Bulletpl Up Front & Personal
Bulletpl Testimonial of the Month
Bulletpl Contest of the Month
Bulletpl Caption Contest
Bulletpl Icon Mania!
Bulletpl Shout Out!
Bulletpl Olympic News

Birthday cakeBirthdays & Special AnnouncementsOffering gift

-- Happy Birthday to Alwright on May 2nd! - From your awesome dad - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to supermann8 on May 2nd! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to * on May 4th! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Fian on May 4th! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to lemmy66 on May 5th! - From mystori - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to carouselhorse on May 6th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Kjelle - on May 8th! From The Daily Laugh Club & The To Your Health Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Mary on May 9th! - From The Word O'Rama Club, The Deborah's Cove Family Club, The Diamonds Are Forever Club, The Daily Laugh Club, The Friendship Club, The He's Alive Club , The Scoop's Castle Club , The Prime Time TV Club & The To Your Health Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to rabbitoid on May 10th! - From The Chess & Variants Club & The Daily Laugh Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to precious on May 10th! - From The Scoop's Castle Club & The Friendship Club Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to grandmajoan on May 11th - From The Wolf Pack Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Acedog on May 12th - From The To Your Health Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Game_Master on May 12th! - From The Wolf Pack Club, The Friendship Club Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to sidders on May 15th! - Offering gift (unknown photo)
-- Happy Birthday to maintenance man on May 17th! - From { Club }, The MasterClass Club & The To Your Health Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to STUSTU on May 18th! - From The Pork Chop Club , The Classic TV & Music Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to CarolP on May 19th! - From The Word O'Rama Club, The Friendship Club , The Prime Time TV Club , The Daily Laugh Club, The To Your Health Club & The Scoop's Castle Club Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to the loneranger on May 19th! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to GeorgeF on May 20th! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to GoneFishin on May 20th! - From The Classic TV & Music Club & The To Your Health Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to porkpie1 on May 21st! - From The Classic TV & Music Club , The Friendship Club , The Pork Chop Club & The Scoop's Castle Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Lil Red on May 23rd! - From { Club }, The Classic TV & Music Club, The Friendship Club ,The He's Alive Club, The Deborah's Cove Family Club, The Diamonds Are Forever Club, The Scoop's Castle Club & The Wolf Pack Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to tango2 on May 23rd! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to unicorn on May 25th! - From The Word O'Rama Club, The Daily Laugh Club, The Classic TV & Music Club, The Friendship Club, The Prime Time TV Club , The He's Alive Club, & The Scoop's Castle Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Arctic Warrior on May 27th! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to HollandSkip on May 28th! - From your sweet hubby - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to nw2425 on May 29th! - From: The Scoop's Castle Club, The Friendship Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to dixiegal47 on May 30th! - From The Word O'Rama Club & The Friendship Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to BethA on May 31st! - - From The Friendship Club , The Prime Time TV Club & The To Your Health Club- Offering flower


-- Happy Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom to Mary and her husband on May 16th! - From The Daily Laugh Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom to Momsie and her husband on May 25th! They're celebrating 33 years in 2024! - Offering flower
-- Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom to Man of Steel and B*Elanna on May 26th! From The Word O'Rama Club and The Daily Laugh Club - Offering flower

* If you would like to announce any birthdays, anniversaries or other special events coming up for next month, please send GoldToken's Newshound a message before the 25th of this month, so we can give them a shout out in next month's newsletter! (Please keep all announcements upcoming and not belated. Announcements submitted after the newsletter is published, cannot be put in after the fact, we're sorry!)

Photozone Competition
Brought to you by: Photozone Zepher

Film RollFilm Strip SpaceFilm Strip GoldieFilm Strip SpaceFilm Strip PFilm Strip HFilm Strip OFilm Strip TFilm Strip OFilm Strip ZFilm Strip OFilm Strip NFilm Strip EFilm Strip SpaceFilm Strip GoldieFilm Strip SpaceFilm Stripend

4 (steelbound), with (unknown photo), is April's Photozone competition winner!
He won the challenge with 11 votes and will be awarded with a profile token. Offering gold token

6 pepperbeach came in 2nd place with 10 votes for (unknown photo) Offer silver token

5 laura lee came in 3rd place with 6 votes for (unknown photo) Way to go!!
5 ladyvic came in 3rd place with 6 votes for (unknown photo) Way to go!!
5 johNNy piCkLes came 3rd place with 6 votes for (unknown photo) Way to go!!

Congratulations to all the winners and Thank you to all of the members who participated either by submitting photos or voting and commenting.

We had a total of Film RollFilm Strip GoldieFilm Strip 1Film Strip 1Film Stripend entries and 55 votes this month. Thumbs up

Without you all, this competition wouldn't be active. Hugging

2 You can view all the images submitted for the Photozone Competition by using the following link: Photozone Zepher's Album titled Macro/Close Up

Sunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower Divider

The theme for May's competition will be:

(unknown photo)

Join us @ Photozone to win tokens!

(unknown photo) Discussion Boards in the Spotlight (unknown photo)
Brought to you by: LittleTree


Spring Double Token Giveaway Happy Dance Cartwheel

In April & May, we are going to give you *2*, YES *2*, tokens for each poll used during those 2 months!

The best part...Thumbs up You get to choose which ones you want, they just can't be ones you already have.

The rules are pretty standard, same as always. It can't have been done before, and you need to supply not just the question but several answers.

We reserve the right to revamp the question and add/take away answers.

Other than that, submit those polls to the Pollmaster and make it soon before someone submits your idea first! Yeah! The winner for March's "Best Poll" was RubyJoy, whose poll "What's the very first game (or it's variant) you played at GoldToken?" informed us that most people either played backgammon or don't remember what game they played! Grinning The winner for April was Jools, with the opinion poll "What Do You Think About Climate Change?"...the largest group of voters thinks "we need to find a solution soon."

Crossword Puzzles - A board to solve crosswords - both cryptic and straight, UK style grids. Crosswords will be solved clue-by-clue, with the solver choosing which clue comes next. There is a mixture of themed crosswords of different sizes. Included with some of these crosswords are bonus mystery words. Crossword tokens will be awarded to the top three solvers for each crossword. The solvers are to be recorded on a "Solvers' tally" for each crossword." The host HeatherN compiles all the crosswords for your enjoyment! So Stop by and check it out. You'll be glad you did!

Other boards GoldToken provides for your enjoyment

Caption Humor
Crafters' Fair
Crossword Puzzles
Cutting Board
General Chat
Goldie Story Contest
Holiday Profile Contest
Jest for Puns
Jokes Board
Paraprosdokian Sentences
Photo Album Contest
Poetry Corner
Pony Up!
Puzzles and Riddles
TerryS's Contest Announcements
What's in Your Pantry?
Word Of The Week

Photo Album of the Month
Brought to you by: ladyvic

/"Time" was our theme for April. Check out these albums!/

Contest Winner Jools's Album titled Unusual Clocks Congratulations Watch for your token coming soon!

2nd Place Contest Winner PattyMac's Album titled Clocks Way to go!! You win the 2nd place token! High five

May's theme will be:
(unknown photo)

This will be lots of fun! So start working on your albums and join us @ Photo Album Contest and you might be the next one to win tokens!

Game of the Month

May's game of the month is Dipole! Join us in a fun Double Elimination Tournament by signing up today for The Game of the Month - May 2024 - Dipole Tournament! Have fun

The goal of this game is to be the last player with a piece on the board. Check out the Rules of Dipole for more information. Thumbs up

We hope you enjoy it!

Club ~VS~ Club Tournament of the Month

May's game of the month is Cribbage! Join us in a fun Round Robin Style Tournament by signing your club up today. Have fun Please notify PattyMac to join or post in the The Site Wide Club vs Club Tournament Club. Hope to see you there!

Best Recipe Contest

April's winner is: Hubby's Sausage Dip

Hubby's Sausage Dip Cooking


1 roll Jimmy Dean Sausage { he gets regular } can get other flavors
2 Philly Cream Cheese { Block }
1 mild can Rotel

Brown and chunk up the sausage in frying pan
Add cream cheese and Rotel add a little milk so it's creamy
put in crock pot to keep warm
serve with Tostitos Scoops

GoldToken's hoot will receive a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Silver and Wood members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Please send a big Congratulations to hoot! Dancing

May's recipe contest is: "Eggs, Eggs Eggs". The winner will be given a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Guests, Wood and Silver members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Rules:
  • Entries must be posted by the recipe guardian/creator on the Cutting Board DB.
  • Recipe must be original and have never been posted on the Cutting Board DB before.

Crafters' Fair
Brought to you by: sallyp
Crayon DividerCrayon Divider

Last month we had some craft Trivia.Thank you to everyone that took part.

During May we will use the answers from the Trivia questions to see what we can come up with. Maybe something you have made yourself or perhaps something you have found online that we could try and make.

The topics are
Soap making

Post your picture on the Crafters' Fair discussion board.

Everyone that takes part will get a Participation token and the winner will get a special token.
To make it easier to do the poll, please post your entry as A New Comment Flowery Thank you

Wolf DividerWolf DividerWolf DividerKitty DividerKitty DividerWolf DividerWolf DividerWolf Divider

Up Front & Personal
Interview by: laura lee


We would like to say Thank you to steve28 for letting us step into their personal life for a bit.

1. How'd you choose your name for GT?
  • First name address number.

2. What interests you most on GT? Do you have a favorite game?
  • A variation of games checkers a combination of letters and numbers they keep the cogs turning ROLLING DICERolling Dice

3. What state or country do you reside in?
  • UK United Kingdom

4. What hobbies do you have?
  • Growing veg TomatoBroccoliRadish and looking after rescue dogs. Walking a dogYellow dog walking

5. Children? Grandchildren?
  • One daughter Twinkly Pink Horse, no grand children.

6. Do you work? What kind of work do/did you do?
  • Retired, Heating and ventilation. Looking cool

7. Any pets?
  • Two dogs: a German shepherd and a Labrador retriever. Brown DogGrey Dog

8. Are you under 30?___ 30 to 50? ___ or over 50? Male or Female?
  • Male Twinkly blue horse 70 years young. Don't Let The Gray Hair Fool You

9. Favorite food?
  • Liver and onions. Let's Eat

10. What's the farthest you've been from home?
  • Far east, Africa, USA, USA I worked for British Airways Plane for a number of years so used to travel quite a lot

11. If you could be anywhere right now, where would that be?
  • Where I am now in Spain, Spain. I spend nearly half the year there.

12. Favorite season?
  • Any season if it's not raining

13. Favorite movie?
  • I haven't watched a movie for decades but used to like the old westerns Cowboy Riding a Stick HorseCharge!! and pink panther movies.

14. If you could meet anyone (living or dead) in the world, who would it be?
  • My late wife who passed away in 2015 at aged 56. Sad


If there are any questions you would like to see asked in future interviews, please let us know.
laura lee

Wolf DividerWolf DividerWolf DividerKitty DividerKitty DividerWolf DividerWolf DividerWolf Divider

Testimonial Of The Month
Brought to you by: *GoldToken* Players

Back in 2004, before cell phones and social media, I chanced upon a website named ItsYourTurn. I joined and played mostly backgammon, chess, and IYT's version of scrabble (Jamble). I liked it, but it lacked game varieties, friendly people, and recognition for accomplishments. While playing a backgammon game, one player commented about my play and mentioned that I should try GoldToken and that I might like it.

I was thrilled at GoldToken with the variety of games, the nice people that played, and the clubs, etc. I quickly joined (I think it was a Bronze level) but Badger (bless her heart)upgraded me to Platinum for free! I've continued my Platinum level ever since. I have played thousands and thousands of games and met SO MANY players. I've introduced many of my friends from Arizona (my home state) and other places to GoldToken. One friend was Kruntessa -- you might see his name in the Best Players section. But I have met so many players I consider friends at GoldToken, so many in fact I can't list them all! Smiling

I will continue to support Goldtoken for many more years to come!


Contest of the Month

Club of the Year

May's contest of the month is Club of the Year. The members of the winning club will all receive a special Profile Token commemorating their win!

All of GoldToken's clubs are special. But each year, we want to recognize the one that stands out over and above the norm. GoldToken's Club Of The Year is not only a great club, but has members that are helpful, friendly, and make playing here a joy. The poll for 2024's Club of the Year will run on Thursday, May 30th. Please vote for the most helpful and friendly club on the list!

Note: Entries must be posted by no later than May 29, 2024.


If you know of an exceptional club, post your nomination on the Club of the Year Nominations discussion board. Thumbs up

Caption Contest

The Caption Contest winner for the April, 2024, newsletter is loca with:

(unknown photo)


Congratulations loca!

To enter May's Caption Contest, click on the image below and post your best caption.
(unknown photo)
The winner will be chosen by our news team, given 5 Golderos and announced in next month's newsletter.

Icon Mania!
Brought to you by: GoldToken's Icon Fairy

Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family or individual, as well as motherhood. You will find some Mother's Day icons in Row 1.

I had a flash contest asking to identify who was wearing a certain name icon. PattieAnn correctly answered and won an Icon Fairy Token! Subscribe to the board so you do not miss out on your chance to join the fun.

Be sure to check out all the great Name Icons. If you do not find what you are looking for, send GoldToken's Icon Fairy a message. We have so many awesome name icons!

The Icon Of The Day changes often.

(unknown photo)

SHOUT OUT! to Model A - from Redondo Beach, CA, member since 2017. A worthy opponent in Checkers with stats to show it! Take a look at his photo album; some really awesome pictures of his favorite hobby are in there. Thank you for being such a committed member of GoldToken We're glad you're a member of our GoldToken family, Model A Group hug

SHOUT OUT! to HeidiBug - from Carmel California, member since 2013. Thank you for sharing your picture with us; it's always nice to see whom we're playing.
Thank you for being such a valued member of GoldToken and we're glad you're a member of our GoldToken family HeidiBug! Group hug

SHOUT OUT! to geomomo - from Armagh N. Ireland, veteran member since 2002. "I Play most days" We love looking at your awesome photos in your album, check them out, they are so cool! Thank you being such a dedicated member of GoldToken and we're glad you're part of our GoldToken Family geomomo Group hug

Olympic News
(unknown photo) (unknown photo) (unknown photo)
Brought to you by: GoldToken's Olympic Presidents
s(unknown photo)

The Mahjong Competition in The 2023 Summer Olympics Group 1 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Summer Olympics BettyAnn Memorial ClubAndrewB
SilverThe 2023 Summer Olympics BettyAnn Memorial Club**Lover of Darkness**
BronzeThe 2023 Summer Olympics dingbat Memorial Clubheyred72
BronzeThe 2023 Summer Olympics dingbat Memorial ClubLyndiLoo

The Lower Division of the Dominoes Competition in The 2023 Summer Olympics Group 1 Tournament
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Summer Olympics Aprildawn Memorial ClubMan of Steel
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Summer Olympics dingbat Memorial Clubnw2425
BronzeThe 2023 Summer Olympics GrannyPatty Memorial ClubNukkle Dragger
W(unknown photo) 

The Upper Division of the Shake It Up Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 6 Tournament
Shake It Up
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubDIRKSTRA
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubLolla
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Club(steelbound)
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubMan of Steel

The Upper Division of the American Rummikub Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 5 Tournament
American Rummikub
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubBill Roupas
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubNexLevel
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubSarahMills

The Advanced Division of the Backgammon Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 3 Tournament
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial Clubgpr11
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubNukkle Dragger
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Club1karlos
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubBig Giant Head

The Plateau Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 6 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubTrueIndian
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubAndrewB

The Quarto Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 6 Tournament
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubDavidJ
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial Clubthebodywall
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial Clubheyred72

The Xiphias Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 5 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial ClubM3
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubBig Giant Head
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial Clubthebodywall

The Loop Trax Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 4 Tournament
Loop Trax
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Clubdgb
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial Clubgolfnutrof
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Club1karlos
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial Clubthebodywall

The Xiangqi Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 3 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial ClubJL579
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubPoint01IV
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie

The Connect Six Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 4 Tournament
Connect Six
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial Clubbengt
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial Clubtwotees
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubAndrewB

The Nine Men Morris Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 3 Tournament
Nine Men Morris
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubKlaus11
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial Clubkiwiyeti

The 8x8 Trax Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 6 Tournament
8x8 Trax
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Clubdgb
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial Clubbengt
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubRogue Trooper

The Checkers Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 2 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial ClubTimeBomb
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Clubspiritebear
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial Clubthebodywall

The Lower Division of the Muggins Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 3 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubKlaus11
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubNukkle Dragger
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubMan of Steel

The Go 7x7 Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 4 Tournament
Go 7x7
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubBegadoonie
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial Clubbengt
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie

The Blackhole Reversi Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 5 Tournament
Blackhole Reversi
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubDavidJ
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubSarahMills

The 10x10 Halma Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 4 Tournament
10x10 Halma
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubDIRKSTRA
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubKlaus11
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubMoondyne
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Clubspiritebear

The Basic Renju Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 4 Tournament
Basic Renju
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial Clubbengt
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubDavidJ
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubAndrewB

The Shogi Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 2 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial ClubStraycat
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubPoint01IV
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubAndrewB

The Two-Player Chinese Checkers Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 2 Tournament
Two-Player Chinese Checkers
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial Clubbengt
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Clubspiritebear

The Go 13x13 Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 1 Tournament
Go 13x13
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubBegadoonie
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubTrueIndian
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial ClubM3
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubMoondyne

The Tournament Halma Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 4 Tournament
Tournament Halma
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubDIRKSTRA
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial Clubmelanchton1
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubKlaus11

The Paper Football Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 3 Tournament
Paper Football
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial Clubroad_hog
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial Clubjd91
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubRay of Light

The Grabble Swapper Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 6 Tournament
Grabble Swapper
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial ClubSenorita ZORRO_
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial Clubmelanchton1
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubOddie
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial Clubtango2

The Upper Division of the Neapolitan Shake Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 6 Tournament
Neapolitan Shake
Gold, Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial Clubheyred72
Gold, Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubPamelak
Gold, Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubTaUrUsRoSe

The Paper Hockey Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 4 Tournament
Paper Hockey
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial Clubroad_hog
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial Clubjd91

The Animosity Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 1 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubPoint01IV
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubMan of Steel
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubTreksterz

The CrossDowns Swapper Large Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 4 Tournament
CrossDowns Swapper Large
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubOddie
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial ClubBuddha
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie

The CrossDowns Scatter Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 6 Tournament
CrossDowns Scatter
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Club(steelbound)
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubOddie
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial ClubBuddha
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial ClubSenorita ZORRO_

The ConnectaPipe Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 4 Tournament
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubKlaus11
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubDavidJ

The Lower Division of the Group Rummikub Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 4 Tournament
Group Rummikub
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubOddie
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial ClubStraycat
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial Clubshobee1 kinobi
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial Clubgolfnutrof

The Canadian Checkers Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 1 Tournament
Canadian Checkers
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubPoint01IV
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubKlaus11

The Moultezim Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 2 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubBig Giant Head
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial Clubhoof hearted
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubOddie

The Novice Division of the Hypergammon Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 4 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial Clubsmelly feet
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubOartkickel of the Wolf Pack
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubAcedog
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubLorry
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubPepper

The Konane Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 6 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial Clubbengt
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial ClubBuddha

The Lower Division of the Shake Rattle & Roll Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 6 Tournament
Shake Rattle & Roll
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubDIRKSTRA
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubBig Giant Head
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubAcedog
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial ClubMary
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubSushi Warrior

The Lower Division of the Shake It Up Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 6 Tournament
Shake It Up
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubGail_M
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubJacob1987
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubMT
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubWatson

The Czech Checkers Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 4 Tournament
Czech Checkers
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial ClubM3
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubAndrewB
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubKlaus11

The Tawula Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 1 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Club1karlos
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubBill Roupas
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial Clubhoof hearted

The River Camelot Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 2 Tournament
River Camelot
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubTrueIndian
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial Clubgolfnutrof

The Any Which Way Duel (3-point) Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 2 Tournament
Any Which Way Duel (3-point)
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Club(steelbound)
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubOddie
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubTrueIndian

The Ordo Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 4 Tournament
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial Clubhoof hearted
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubKlaus11
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Club(steelbound)
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial Clubmarshmud
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial Clubthebodywall

The Rock Paper Scissors Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 6 Tournament
Rock Paper Scissors
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubMan of Steel
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubMT
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial ClubTian-Xian

1Competitions are published when gold, silver & bronze winners have been determined (unknown photo)


  • Do you have a special story, poem or testimonial you would like to share? How about some club news, announcements or any other special events? Then don't delay, send GoldToken's Newshound your submissions today! We look forward to hearing from you! Smiling
** (Please note: All submissions are added on a first come first serve basis.) **

Did you find the hidden coin in the newsletter (unknown photo)? Our winner last month was Eggy. Congratulations to him for spotting it and being the first to send a message to GoldToken's Newshound. We would like to give everyone a chance to play this fun game and win 5 Golderos,so you will only be eligible to win the Coin Hunt once every six months.

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