May 2015

GoldToken's Monthly News

  • There's something fishy going on!

In April, we introduced the new two-player game "Polar Poultry"! Try to collect more fish than your opponent. There's still time to sign up and play in The May 2015 — New game, Polar Poultry Tournament! Thanks with hearts to Jools for designing the beautiful graphics, and to Mecir whose brains and programming capabilities allowed us to implement the game here on GoldToken! Dancing

  • GoldToken's Beta Site

There's an interesting development being tested for the Hangman games! Gold and Platinum members are invited to help with testing at: We appreciate player input during the testing phase! Thanks with hearts

  • Year of the Horse Token - Speediest Players

Are you a speedy player? If you have completed a game with an average of less than 24 hours per move (check your clock time and divide it by your total number of moves) you are eligible for this beautiful Token: . Send a PM to GoldToken Support with a link to the game number.

For example, take a look at game #5481739, (linked by typing: { Game#5481739 }). My clock time, visible under the game board, is 08:17 (8 hours and 17 minutes). My total moves are 9, also seen beneath the game board. I'll round for simplicity. 8.25 hours/9 moves = .92 hours per move. It definitely qualifies as a speedy game. Smiling

Summer is almost here, in my part of the world! We've got a nest with 4 baby robins in one of the windows on the second floor. The babies from a different nest have been learning to fly in our front yard. It's so much fun to watch them! Our 3 cats (indoor, thank goodness!) like to watch them too. Conjuring cat I hope you've got some interesting happenings in your outdoor environment, too! Offering flower



In this month's newsletter, we have:
Bulletpl Birthdays & Special Announcements
Bulletpl 1st Stop Information
Bulletpl Photozone Competition
Bulletpl Photo Album of the Month
Bulletpl Game Of The Month
Bulletpl Best Recipe Contest
Bulletpl Red Panda's Trivia Connection
Bulletpl Up Front & Personal
Bulletpl Testimonial Of The Month
Bulletpl Contest of the Month
Bulletpl Caption Contest
Bulletpl Icon Mania!
Bulletpl Breaking Club News
Bulletpl Olympic News

Birthday cakeBirthdays & Special AnnouncementsOffering gift

Birthday Wishes:
-- Happy Birthday to MsLady on May 2nd! - From { Club }, The Word O'Rama Club, The Deborah's Cove Family Club, The Diamonds Are Forever Club & The Backgammon Tournament Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to supermann8 on May 2nd! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Nina on May 3rd! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to MBAfriend on May 4th! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to * on May 4th! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Fian on May 4th! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to carouselhorse on May 6th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to cissy on May 7th! - From laura lee and clare - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to tweets on May 8th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Kjelle on May 8th! - From The Daily Laugh Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Mary on May 9th! - From The Word O'Rama Club, The Deborah's Cove Family Club, The Diamonds Are Forever Club, The Daily Laugh Club, { Club }, { Club } & The Scoop's Castle Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to rabbitoid on May 10th! - From The Chess & Variants Club, The Daily Laugh Club and alexlee - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to bluelady on May 13th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to sidders on May 15th! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to maintenance man on May 17th! - From { Club }, The MasterClass Club and alexlee - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to stanley7 on May 18th! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to STUSTU on May 18th! - From The Pork Chop Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to CarolP on May 19th! - From The Word O'Rama Club and The Daily Laugh Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to the loneranger on May 19th! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to GeorgeF on May 20th! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to GoneFishin on May 20th! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to porkpie1 on May 21st! - From The Pork Chop Club & The Scoop's Castle Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to raceky on May 21st! - From: The Scoop's Castle Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Athena46 on May 22nd! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Lil Red on May 23rd! - From { Club }, The Deborah's Cove Family Club, The Diamonds Are Forever Club & The Scoop's Castle Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to tango2 on May 23rd! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to pegasiswolf on May 24th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to unicorn on May 25th! - From The Word O'Rama Club, The Daily Laugh Club, { Club } & The Scoop's Castle Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Misfit Lenrad6672 on May 25th! - From The Backgammon Tournament Club, The Daily Laugh Club and your husband Dbledee - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to blue eyes on May 27th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Arctic Warrior on May 27th! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to nw2425 on May 29th! - From: The Scoop's Castle Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Nj on May 30th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to dixiegal47 on May 30th! - From The Word O'Rama Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to BethA on May 31th! - Offering flower


-- Happy Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom to Capricorn and her husband on May 4th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom to Mary and her husband on May 9th! - From The Daily Laugh Club - Offering flower
-- Happy 31st Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom to Man of Steel and B*Elanna on May 26th! From The Word O'Rama Club and The Daily Laugh Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom to Opulent and her husband on May 29th! - Offering flower

* If you would like to announce any birthdays, anniversaries or other special events coming up for next month, please send GoldToken's Newshound a message before the 25th of this month, so we can give them a shout out in next month's newsletter! (Please keep all announcements upcoming and not belated. Announcements submitted after the newsletter is published, can not be put in after the fact, we're sorry!)

1st Stop Information
Site tips and helpful tools

Clubs & Federations

About GoldToken Clubs

Clubs are groups of like-minded players who join together to talk, share common beliefs, debate, or play games and challenge other clubs in competitions. GoldToken's special style of clubs, with their private chat groups and close camaraderie are unique to GoldToken alone. You just can't find any other turn based game site with the advanced club capabilities that are featured here.

Joining Clubs

In order to start a club, you must have purchased a Gold Membership.

To join a club that has already been formed, you only need to have a Silver Membership.

Don't miss out! If you are a Wood or Guest member, you can find out more about our Membership Options and then purchase a Silver, Gold or Platinum Membership to join one of GoldToken's clubs.

How to join a club:

  1. If you wish to join a club that you do not already belong to, write the club's owner or presidents
  2. If a club is set to Open Invite, skip step 3, and move down to step 4, and click the yes link
  3. When you receive an invite to a club, open the message and click the clubs link
  4. Once on the club front page, look for this message just under the right hand section titled Invitations:
    • You have been invited to become a member of this club. Do you want to join?
    • Yes - No
  5. Click the Yes link to join, click No to decline
  6. If you clicked yes, you are now a member of that club Thumbs up

Club Features

By joining a club, you join a group of players all centered around a certain type of game or group theme. Included in the club privileges are:
  • Private Club Discussion Boards
  • Private Club News
  • Private Club Polls
  • Private Club wikis
  • Personalized Club invites
  • Open Club game invites
  • Club seating charts
  • Club Challenge games
  • Club Ladder games
  • Club vs Club tournaments
  • Club Rankings vs other clubs
  • Inter-Club Ladders
  • Locking wikis - For Platinum club presidents
Using these features, the group can bond together and plan strategies with the discussion board, form consensus with the polls, and be alerted to events and happenings with the club news.
The seating chart allows club members to see how well their game skills compare to others within the club, and the club challenge feature allows them to quickly start games with other club members, while other club members are provided a quick link to view the game. The Club vs Club Tournaments are invites to a challenge that are sent from one club to another.

Club Options

Like all new sites, the club might take a little to figure out, but hopefully you will find it fairly straight forward. Here is a brief description of what each of the abilities manage:

Just under the Club Boards, you will see a Club Options box. These are your management tools.

Club Options
MembershipAllows you to manage the members
Read the Club's News ArchiveThe place to review old news items
See Club PollsThe place to review old polls
Administer Discussion BoardsAllows you to add/delete/edit the clubs forums
Change Club settingsSelect games offered, edit club name, change club logo, etc.
Set Club profileEdit the club information that players see when looking at the club

Club & Federation Logos

  • The maximum size for a club logo is 600x200.
  • GoldToken's federations also have a second image box, titled Federation Picture. The maximum size for this second image is 600x600
  • Uploads for all images are limited to 2 MB. However, the effective maximum would be a bit lower due to protocol overhead.

Please note: The format for these images must be either JPG, GIF or PGN. If the image is larger than the dimensions noted above, it will be automatically shrunk. If you are doing an animated image, be sure not to exceed these dimensions, as the shrinking also causes the animation to be lost (only the first frame is retained).

Club Officer Abilities

  • Owner (sign players up on team rosters within the club, or remove the player from those rosters by checking or clearing the boxes beside each game name, able to close the club or transfer it to another owner, promote officers, edit the club settings, profile and boards, and all the abilities below.)

  • President (everything the owner can do except close the club or transfer ownership)
  • Vice Pres (all functions below)
  • Referee privilege (reorder club seating)
  • Newshound privilege (write Club news)
  • Whip privilege (moderate Club boards)
  • Pollster privilege (create Club polls)
  • Welcomer privilege (invites Club members)

Discussion Boards

To Add a Discussion Board

  1. On the Club Home page scroll down on the right hand side and click on Administer Discussion Board.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Create a new board.
  3. Name the Board and give it a description.
  4. Click on Create Board.
NOTE: *Keep in mind that posts will expire after 6 months if they have not already been pushed off the board. If there is a post or information you would like to save a wiki is a better option.*

To Modify or Add A Sticky Note To A Discussion Board

  1. On the Club Home page scroll down on the right hand side and click on Administer Discussion Board.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Modify a board.
  3. Click on the board you want to modify.
  4. Make the changes or add the sticky note (note: you can also check the box to make a board for Presidents only, or turn it into an Anonymous board)
  5. Click Modify Board.

To Delete A Discussion Board

  1. On the Club Home page scroll down on the right hand side and click on Administer Discussion Board.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Delete a board.
  3. Click on the board you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete the board. Important: once you delete a board it can not be recovered.

There is a lot more information on this subject, on the Info page Clubs and Federations! Here are some of the highlights:

  • Inviting New Members

  • Editing Member Abilities
  • Club-vs-Club Challenges

  • Setting Up Club Teams & Ladders

  • Club Tournaments
  • Setting Up Club Polls

  • Merging Two Clubs Together

  • Transfer of Ownership for Missing Club Owners

  • Club News Options

  • Federations

  • GoldToken's Club & Federation AdoptaGuest Program

* If you have a question about a site tip or helpful tool you would like answered next month, please send GoldToken's Newshound a message before the 25th of this month.

Photozone Competition
Brought to you by: Jools

Film RollFilm Strip SpaceFilm Strip GoldieFilm Strip SpaceFilm Strip PFilm Strip HFilm Strip OFilm Strip TFilm Strip OFilm Strip ZFilm Strip OFilm Strip NFilm Strip EFilm Strip SpaceFilm Strip GoldieFilm Strip SpaceFilm Stripend

4 phil with (unknown photo) is April's Photozone competition winner who won the challenge with 3score0 votes and will be awarded with a profile token. Offering gold token
6 robin50 came in 2nd place with 13 votes for (unknown photo)Offer silver token
5 golfnutrof came 3rd place with 12 votes for (unknown photo)Way to go!!

Congratulations to all the winners and Thank you to all of the members who participated either by submitting photos or voting and commenting.

We had a total of Film RollFilm Strip GoldieFilm Strip 1Film Strip 1Film Stripend entries and 95 votes this month. Thumbs up

Without you all, this competition wouldn't be active Hugging

2 You can view all the images submitted for the Photozone Competition by using the following link Photozone Zepher's Album titled 2015-04 Flowers
Pansy DividerPansy DividerPansy DividerPansy DividerPansy DividerPansy DividerPansy DividerPansy DividerPansy DividerPansy Divider

The theme for May's competetion will be SMALL

**(unknown photo)


Photo Album of the Month
Brought to you by: ladyvic

Our Theme for April was Homes (unknown photo)

The winner is Trumpet player right blackangus's Album titled FairyTale Homes Congratulations Winner

2nd Place is sandi en margarita's Album Way to go!!

3rd Place is MM David littlefair XI's Album

Thank you for entering.. We enjoyed seeing all of the pictures!

The theme for May is Food Cupcake Burger & Fries I'm Hungry

Get your Photo albums ready and come to Photo Album Contest to win this Profile Token!

Best of luck,

Game Of The Month

May's game of the month is American Rummikub (100-point)! Join us in a fun Double Elimination Tournament by signing up today for The May, 2015 Game of the Month, Amer Rummikub (100pt) Tournament! Have fun

We hope you enjoy it!

Can you believe it? There are no Nuggets for this game! You can write a knock-out Nugget and reap the rewards! If your Nugget is chosen as the winner for GoldToken's Game of the Month in GoldToken's Monthly Newsletter, you will win:
  • Silver, Gold, and Platinum Members: a one month extension to your current membership
  • Wood Members: a free membership upgrade
  • Guests: a free two-month Silver Membership
So, what are you waiting for? Start writing! .

Best Recipe Contest

April's winner is: Cheese Stuffed Shells

12 oz Mullers (or any brand) Jumbo Shells

2 eggs

2 cups (80z) shredded Mozzarella cheese

1 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese, divided

1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley or 2 tbsp dried Parsley

1 tbsp dried basil

1 tsp salt

3 cups spaghetti sauce or Pasta Sauce of your liking

1. cook Jumbo shells for 15 minutes, drain cover and set aside

2. in medium bowl beat eggs lightly, stir in Ricotta, Mozzarella, 3/4 cup Parmesan
parsley, basil and salt

3. spoon about one tablespoon of cheese mixture into each shell

4. arrange filled shells in 13x9 baking dish and top with sauce

5. sprinkle with remaining Parmesan

Bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes

Note: I save Shells that broke during cooking, freeze and use in in Chicken Noodle Soup at a later date.
Some I pack in Portions and freeze, comes in handy for a fast meal.

GoldToken's Cheetah will receive a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Silver and Wood members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Please send a big Congratulations to Cheetah! Dancing

May's recipe contest is: "Chinese Dish". The winner will be given a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Guests, Wood and Silver members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Rules:
  • Entries must be posted by the recipe guardian/creator on the Cutting Board DB.
  • Recipe must be original and have never been posted on the Cutting Board DB before.

(unknown photo)
by Red Panda


Prizes have been updated for 2015 thanks to the efforts of Jools

(unknown photo)Yearly trivia winner 2015
(unknown photo)Monthly trivia winner 2015
(unknown photo)Trivia Participation Award 2015

Rules of The Trivia Connection

  • There are 10 people. These ten people are all connected in some way. Post your answer which consists of the people you know plus the connection to Red Panda.

  • These questions are not meant to be easy. Although if you work out the connection it will become easier. Any research is allowed.

  • First answer submitted with all correct answers and the connection will be deemed monthly winner and collect a special recognition token. If no one gets them all correct the prize will be given to the person who had the most correct

  • A yearly prize will be awarded to the person who gets the most questions right over the course of the whole year. Who will become the trivia guru for this year?

  • A Participation prize will be awarded to all those who get at least 50% right in at least 50 % of the trivia quizzes of the year. You do not need to get all correct to send your answer in.

  • Have fun


1.Killed by a woman. Famous for losing. Graduated last in his class. Courtmartialled twice. Became general in his early twenties. Two of his brothers died at same place and same time as him.
2.Politician with manufacturing background. Started a television channel.Asked pope to reconsider his action. Animal activisit,
3.Acclaimed as greatest genius of all mankind. Became atheist after death of his father. Brother tried to assasinate the ruler, and was hanged to death. Cyclist exiled for 3 years. Town named after him after his death for over 50 years.
4.Singer in Nightclub. Her husband made her laugh. Met her husband while she was secretary in a radio station. Her boss was Nazi spy. Claimed not to be bad. Appeared in Disney movie and in several music videos.
5.Parents were actors. Dated a lady who played both the daughter of Margaret Thatcher and Camilla Parker Bowles. Has played different genious on movies and television. Kidnapped in Africa
6.Liked Cycling in school. Fell asleep in the premier of her movie. First album went platinum. Sent to jail several times. Appeared in Playboy. Been in at least 6 car crashes
7.Named as greatest in history of their field. 66 year career. Both parents were social activists. Avid Golfer. Brother died of suicide. Famous love affair
8.Considered the greatest ruler of his country. Ruled for 66 years. Built many monuments. Arthritis sufferer.
9.First magazine cover was with Marilyn Monroe. Ran for president. Has a gap in his teeth. Recognized as Mad.
10.Mother died in mysterious circumstances after her divorce. Served in Afghanistan. Photographed wearing Nazi uniform. Has two secretaries just to deal with his love letters

Last month's winner.

The answers to the last quiz are
1 Fred Flintstone
2 Erik the Red
3 Red Faber
4 Red Symons
5 robert Redford
6 Ottis Redding
7 Raymond Redington
8 James Tredwell
9 Fredric Chopin
10. Mickey Redmond

The connection from last month was all had "Red" in their names. 2 people solved all ten questions. 4 others got over the 50% they need. Congratulations to smiler5 who is the monthly winner.

Wolf DividerWolf DividerWolf DividerKitty DividerKitty DividerWolf DividerWolf DividerWolf Divider

Up front & personal
Interview by: laura lee

{ Image: }


We would like to say Thank you to kittyrambo for letting us step into their personal life for a bit.

1. What brought you to GoldToken?
GrannyPatty sent me the invite to join, and I used the name I had picked for my first email address- which came from my cat at the time.

2. What interests you most on GT?
My favorite games are the salvos, the gammons, some of the shakes and American Rummikub. I like trying the new games as I've found some I like and others I don't. I like the comraderie here as well.

3. What State or Country do you reside in?
I live in southern West Virginia USA.

What in your State or Country do you think tourists should definitely see?
Some of the places I would take a tourist to are the coal mine tour and Tamarack in Beckley and maybe the walkway of the New River Gorge Bridge around Bridge Day.

4. What hobbies do you have?
Hobbies include reading, movies, embroidery, quilting, Halloween, Ghost saying BOO Christmas Christmas Divider and cats Cat Divider among others. lol

5. Children?
No kids but many nieces & nephews.

6. Do you work?
What kind of work do/did you do?
Was a bookkeeper Desk Divider

7. Any pets?
I have 2 indoor cats Yellow catBrown cat named Purrcy & Elvira and have been feeding about a half dozen strays outside. Tabby Cats DividerGrey Mouse Ihey help keep away the rats & mice.

8. Are you under 30?___ 30 to 50? ___ or over 50?
Am 12 with 42 years experience. Female Twinkly Red Horse

9. What's the farthest you've been from home?
The furthest I've been from home was when visiting an uncle Sports Uncle in Missouri and a brief visit to Canada.

10. If you could be anywhere right now where would that be?
Happy here but if I had to pick somewhere else to live it would be near Huntington.

11. Favorite season?
Favorite season is autumn. Autumn Tree

12, Favorite movie?

Listing 1 favorite movie would be hard. They include Star Wars, Casablanca, Clue, Night Of The Living Dead The Princess Bride as well as b movies, older horror movies like the ones from Hammer and Universal.
Absolute favorite actor is Harrison Ford, but am a big fan of Christopher Lee, Vincent Price, Edward G. Robinson, James Cagney, Humphrey Bogart & Peter Lorre.
Actresses include Bette Davis and Kathrine Hepburn. Would have trouble limiting to just one favorite book or author as well, but my tastes run to mysteries, fantasy, scifi and horror.
Favorite song is I Heard It Through The Grapevine by Marvin Gaye. Favorite group is the Eagles. Singing left

If there are any questions you would like to see asked in future interviews, please let us know.
laura lee

Wolf DividerWolf DividerWolf DividerKitty DividerKitty DividerWolf DividerWolf DividerWolf Divider

Testimonial Of The Month
Brought to you by: *GoldToken* Players

I first heard about GoldToken around 2010, at the time I was a member of ITY and YTMT. Was doing my turns at those two places, when I happened to glace over at my wife playing a card game, and asked her where she was at to play that game. She replied GoldToken, and was amazed that there was a turn-based game that you can play card games.

So I started out in GoldToken with a guest membership, to try it out, and found out in no time to go ahead and get a paid membership because I really liked the look and feel of the games I started playing. Then I found the tournaments, and was astonished at how well GoldToken's tournaments was run, their tournaments was awesome.
Guess what? I was really getting addicted to GoldToken, that I ended up getting first a Gold, and Finally a Platinum member ship, and quitting ITY and YTMT, because I was spending all my time with GoldToken, a bigger selection of games, with a variety of each game, very friendly people, with many clubs to choose from.

Needless to say, if someone asks me for a place to play games, I immediately say 'GoldToken'


Contest of the Month

Club of the Year

May's contest of the month is Club of the Year. The members of the winning club will all receive a special Profile Token commemorating their win!

All of GoldToken's clubs are special. But each year, we want to recognize the one that stands out over and above the norm. GoldToken's Club Of The Year is not only a great club, but has members that are helpful, friendly, and make playing here a joy. The poll for 2015's Club of the Year will run on Thursday, May 28th. Please vote for the most helpful and friendly club on the list!

Note: Entries must be posted by no later than May 27, 2015.

  • Club must have at least 10 active members
  • Club must have been running for at least 12 months
  • Club may not have won this award previously:

If you know of an exceptional club, post your nomination on the discussion board. Thumbs up

We have a winner for the Best Prank Ever!

Congratulations to hypnotist for submitting the Best Prank Ever, "Phony Phone Call":

A company at which I worked many years ago at long last installed a sophisticated PABX (private automatic branch exchange) which placed a multitude of advanced functions in the hands of each telephone extension user. The two functions relevant to this story are 1. Picking up a call from another extension in the office if a phone rang & 2. Requesting an automatic callback if the extension which had been dialed was busy, once the extension was free.

I shall change the names to protect the innocent. I'm the guilty party so it doesn't matter if you know who I am.

John had left his desk to consult Paul at his desk about some technical detail which is not relevant to this story. During the discussion Paul's phone rang & Paul answered it. I noticed the combination of factors at once & headed for John's desk where I lifted his phone, dialled Paul's number & got the busy tone as expected. I quickly punched in the code to request an automatic callback, quietly replaced the receiver, & headed back to my desk.

Shortly afterwards Paul wrapped up his telephonic conversation & replaced his telephone receiver on the cradle.

The PABX detected that Paul's line was free & commenced the callback by ringing John's extension.

John heard his phone ring &, rather than run back to his desk to take his incoming call, picked up Paul's phone intending to punch in the code to pick up a call from another phone in the office.

The PABX detected that Paul's extension was no longer free so stopped ringing John's phone.

John hung up Paul's telephone receiver.

The PABX detected that Paul's extension was again free so again commenced the callback process by ringing John's line.

John again heard his phone ring & again picked up Paul's phone to remotely retrieve his incoming call.

The PABX again detected that Paul's extension was no longer free so stopped ringing John's phone.

John again heard his phone stop ringing so put down Paul's phone.

John's phone started ringing again.

John picked up Paul's phone again.

John's phone stopped ringing.

John put down Paul's phone.

John's phone started ringing again.

John picked up Paul's phone.

John's phone stopped ringing.

John put down Paul's phone.

John's phone started ringing again.

John, realising that something wasn't quite working as it should, gave up on trying to retrieve his incoming call remotely & dashed across the length of the office to his desk & snatched up his phone.

The PABX detected that John had picked up his phone & that Paul's extension was still free so rang Paul's phone which he picked up.

John said, "Hello".

Paul said, "Hello".

A moment of silence ensued.

John asked, "Who is that?"

Paul said, "It's Paul.. Who is that?"

John said, "It's John. Why did you phone me? I was at your desk just a moment ago."

Paul said, "I didn't phone you, you phoned me!"

John said, "No I didn't, my phone was ringing & I ran from your desk to my desk to answer it."

To this day I'm sure they haven't worked out what happened.

hypnotist will be given a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Guests, Wood and Silver members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Dancing

Caption Contest

The Caption Contest winner for the April, 2015, newsletter is Red Panda with:

Not a Daschund, but a Dish-hund

Congratulations Red Panda!

To enter May's Caption Contest, click on the link and post your best caption. photo titled May, 2015, Caption Contest
The winner will be chosen by our news team, given 5 Golderos and announced in next month's newsletter.

Icon Mania!
Brought to you by: GoldToken's Icon Fairy
We had NO winner for the April icon hunt, had one member find three, come on join the fun see if you can find these five icons listed below....I'm sure everyone understands that The Icon fairy loves to spread joy to as many players as possible Hugging, so for that reason players are only eligible to win the Icon hunt prize once every six months. Grinning Thanks for your cooperation and Good luck.

Can you find these name icons?
{ Image: }
{ Image: }
{ Image: }
{ Image: }
{ Image: }

Be the first to post your answers to the Icon Mania or send a PM to the GoldToken's Icon Fairy
I am sure you have noticed the sweet Kitty Icon that the Icon Fairy is wearing, this belongs to our "Club Collection" called KitKats. This collection is suitable for a small club. We have a lot of other super icons for Club Adoption. Contact the GoldToken's Icon Fairy if your club is looking for some unique and fun icons suitable for your Club. And don't forget these club icons can also be worn by your club silver members! Yeah!

Have you met the Stong Man, he is our star today Smiling Icon Of The Day. Come on over to the Name Icons and find that perfect icon for you.

Breaking Club News:
Brought to you by GoldToken's roving reporter, PattyMac
{ Club } has a NEW Tournament signup under way...THE BIG ONE for Chess/Dice. If you would like to play here is the link to sign up, it starts on June 25th, The June 2015 — Knight Jarlynn's Dice Chess tourney, Come JOIN the fun! If you haven't ever played Dice Chess now is the time to give it a try.

Knight Jarlynn has also started a new club, the The World Chess Dice Club Fedration Club. There will be 'club vs club' and 'team vs team' offered in this club, They will show anyone interested in the game of chess how to play, and discuss tactics. They will also have larger Tournaments and are looking for single players to form new teams. Get in on the forming of this club, Knight Jarlynn welcome all new comers and anyone wanting to learn the game of Chess, so contact him and Have fun.

BIG NEWS from funtobewith11!!! He is starting a new club called "The Training New or Experienced Club Owners Club". It will be a school for members that would like to learn how to own and run a club or for members that want to learn new areas of club ownership. It will be open to all once the classrooms are set up. Right now he is looking for teachers that would like to help out. They will be given a subject and will be expected to run a wiki to tech what to do and to answer questions that might come up. Right now he is looking for teachers in all areas except Wikis. What to join in on this, send funtobewith11 a message for more information. Hope to see you there as this is a wonderful concept.

There is a new owner and new name for the Lines of Action club, MrLarry47 is currently the new owner of { Club }. This club is dedicated to the games known as Lines of Action (LOA or LoA) and its two-player variants. They have active Teams, Ladders, Club Tournaments and InterClub Matches. Want to hear more, please feel free to contact MrLarry47 for more information about this fun club!

We are sorry to announce, by due to inactivity and lack of interest in the club, we have decided disband the Great Debate club.
We thank those who made contributions over the club's life.
Jools & Red Panda

Our Club Highlight This Month

{ Club }
This Club is for all Halma Game Lovers! High five
They also have Ladders and Teams in ALL Games, Plus Wikiless Tournaments
Open Invitation to all eligible GoldToken members.

Olympic News
Brought to you by: *GoldTokens* Olympic *Presidents*

Trumpet player right April Olympic Winners! A big congratulations to these players & their clubs! Trumpet player left

12 Winter Olympic Winners Winner

The Novice Division of the Shake Rattle & Roll Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
Shake Rattle & RollGOLD{ Club }DavidJ
Shake Rattle & RollSILVER{ Club }Sir Legend50 of the GoldTable
Shake Rattle & RollBRONZE{ Club }cmacker
Shake Rattle & RollBRONZE{ Club }JeffF
Shake Rattle & RollBRONZE{ Club }Meeshamouse

The Upper Division of the Diagonal Duel Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Mystery Games Tournament
Mystery Game 7
Diagonal Duel
GOLD and SILVER{ Club }Straycat
GOLD and SILVER{ Club }thebodywall
BRONZE{ Club }blackangus
BRONZE{ Club }heyred72

The Advanced Division of the Whist Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
WhistGOLD{ Club }golfnutrof
WhistSILVER{ Club }WolvesWulf
WhistBRONZE{ Club }Sir Legend50 of the GoldTable
WhistBRONZE{ Club }the celt

The Intermediate Division of the Shake Rattle & Roll Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
Shake Rattle & RollGOLD & SILVER{ Club }Acedog
Shake Rattle & RollGOLD & SILVER{ Club }Jon *the return*
Shake Rattle & RollBRONZE{ Club }gpr11

The Small Reversi Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 6A Tournament
Small ReversiGOLD{ Club }sandra1
Small ReversiSILVER{ Club }klaashaas
Small ReversiBRONZE{ Club }1926

The Intermediate Division of the Shake It Fast Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 6A Tournament
Shake It FastGOLD{ Club }Rodney
Shake It FastSILVER{ Club }Chris
Shake It FastBRONZE{ Club }Callie
Shake It FastBRONZE{ Club }RabidWolff of the Wolf Pack

The Lower Division of the Dice Pipe Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 5B Tournament
Dice PipeGOLD{ Club }robertst
Dice PipeSILVER{ Club }stormy rebel
Dice PipeBRONZE{ Club }Judy
Dice PipeBRONZE{ Club }kiwiyeti
The Novice Division of the American Rummikub Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
American RummikubGOLD & SILVER{ Club }LyndiLoo
American RummikubGOLD & SILVER{ Club }Trsm149
American RummikubBRONZE{ Club }cekj
American RummikubBRONZE{ Club }EPICURUS 75

The Go 13x13 Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 1B Tournament
Go 13x13GOLD{ Club }klaashaas
Go 13x13SILVER{ Club }barefootony
Go 13x13BRONZE{ Club }ghardh

The Rail Domination Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 6A Tournament
Rail DominationGOLD{ Club }Nukkle Dragger
Rail DominationSILVER{ Club }bengt
Rail DominationBRONZE{ Club }Rogue Trooper

The Upper Division of the Long Gammon Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympics Tournament Group 2A Tournament
Long GammonGOLD{ Club }cmacker
Long GammonBRONZE{ Club }ceci
Long GammonBRONZE{ Club }DAKOTA
Long GammonBRONZE{ Club }Gail_M

The Lower Division of the Ludocrous Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 1B Tournament
LudocrousGOLD{ Club }1926
LudocrousSILVER{ Club }eliphont551
LudocrousBRONZE{ Club }1karlos

The Intermediate Division of the Whist Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
WhistGOLD{ Club }1karlos
WhistSILVER{ Club }Kiki
WhistBRONZE{ Club }Parizadeh

The Upper Division of the Small Barricade Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympics Tournament Group 2A Tournament
Small BarricadeGOLD & SILVER{ Club }JimC
Small BarricadeGOLD & SILVER{ Club }cmacker
Small BarricadeBRONZE{ Club }1926
Small BarricadeBRONZE{ Club }johnnyyboy

The Intermediate Division of the Nackgammon Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympics Tournament Group 2A Tournament
NackgammonGOLD & SILVER{ Club }jamchug
NackgammonGOLD & SILVER{ Club }dama1
NackgammonBRONZE{ Club }Shine

The Upper Division of the Shake It Baby Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 5B Tournament
Shake It BabyGOLD & SILVER{ Club }cindygal
Shake It BabyGOLD & SILVER{ Club }Chris
Shake It BabyBRONZE{ Club }CaperViv
Shake It BabyBRONZE{ Club }rushfan2000
Shake It BabyBRONZE{ Club }AndrewB

The Upper Division of the DiceDots Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympics Tournament Group 2A Tournament
DiceDotsGOLD{ Club }Tian-Xian
DiceDotsSILVER{ Club }1926
DiceDotsBRONZE{ Club }Markelle

The Advanced Division of the American Rummikub Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
American RummikubGOLD{ Club }AndrewB
American RummikubSILVER{ Club }Chris
American RummikubBRONZE{ Club }ellieoop

The Advanced Division of the Shake Rattle & Roll Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
Shake Rattle & RollGOLD & SILVER{ Club }laura lee
Shake Rattle & RollGOLD & SILVER{ Club }SarahMills
Shake Rattle & RollBRONZE{ Club }Senorita ZORRO_

The Lower Division of the Small Barricade Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympics Tournament Group 2A Tournament
Small BarricadeGOLD{ Club }Pooka
Small BarricadeSILVER & BRONZE{ Club }Cat*Scratch
Small BarricadeSILVER & BRONZE{ Club }ellieoop

The Upper Division of the Shake Your Bootie Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 4B Tournament
Shake Your BootieGOLD & SILVER{ Club }robertst
Shake Your BootieGOLD & SILVER{ Club }Azalea
Shake Your BootieBRONZE{ Club }DAKOTA
Shake Your BootieBRONZE{ Club }Eggy
Shake Your BootieBRONZE{ Club }MamaBear
Shake Your BootieBRONZE{ Club }RabidWolff of the Wolf Pack
Shake Your BootieBRONZE{ Club }Tian-Xian

The Upper Division of the Multi-Hit Salvo Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 4A Tournament
Multi-Hit SalvoGOLD{ Club }1926
Multi-Hit SalvoSILVER & BRONZE{ Club }Ken TJ
Multi-Hit SalvoSILVER & BRONZE{ Club }Wrighty
Multi-Hit SalvoSILVER & BRONZE{ Club }AndrewB

The Chinese Checkers Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 1A Tournament
Chinese CheckersGOLD{ Club }EPICURUS 75
Chinese CheckersSILVER{ Club }yoyudax
Chinese CheckersBRONZE{ Club }spiritebear

The Novice Division of the Whist Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
WhistGOLD{ Club }davids
WhistSILVER{ Club }birdstoe
WhistBRONZE{ Club }Trsm149

The Go Moku Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 5B Tournament
Go MokuGOLD{ Club }Luke
Go MokuSILVER{ Club }DavidJ
Go MokuBRONZE{ Club }golfnutrof

The Lower Division of the Large Diagonal Duel Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Mystery Games Tournament
Mystery Game 9
Large Diagonal Duel
GOLD & SILVER{ Club }SkiptonBull
GOLD & SILVER{ Club }AndrewB
BRONZE{ Club }cmacker
BRONZE{ Club }macbann
BRONZE{ Club }Furbster

The Lower Division of the Neapolitan Shake Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 5A Tournament
Neapolitan ShakeGOLD{ Club }Jools
Neapolitan ShakeSILVER{ Club }the celt
Neapolitan ShakeBRONZE{ Club }Tian-Xian

The Upper Division of the Hanging DiceMan Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3B Tournament
Hanging DiceManGOLD{ Club }JimC
Hanging DiceManSILVER{ Club }Red Panda
Hanging DiceManBRONZE{ Club }CaperViv

The Lower Division of the Small Grabble Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Mystery Games Tournament
Mystery Game 4
Small Grabble
GOLD{ Club }Nina
SILVER{ Club }AndrewB
BRONZE{ Club }cmacker

The Dice Paper Football Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 1B Tournament
Dice Paper FootballGOLD{ Club }Red Panda
Dice Paper FootballSILVER{ Club }MrLarry47
Dice Paper FootballBRONZE{ Club }JimC
Dice Paper FootballBRONZE{ Club }kiwiyeti

The Stacking Grabble Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
Stacking GrabbleGOLD{ Club }birdstoe
Stacking GrabbleSILVER{ Club }AndrewB
Stacking GrabbleBRONZE{ Club }chris3

The Upper Division of the Hit&Miss Salvo Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3B Tournament
Hit&Miss SalvoGOLD{ Club }Chris
Hit&Miss SalvoSILVER{ Club }1926
Hit&Miss SalvoBRONZE{ Club }the celt

The Upper Division of the Ludocarte Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 4A Tournament
LudocarteGOLD, SILVER & BRONZE{ Club }beachcomber
LudocarteGOLD, SILVER & BRONZE{ Club }ozallan
LudocarteGOLD, SILVER & BRONZE{ Club }cmacker
LudocarteGOLD, SILVER & BRONZE{ Club }the celt

The Intermediate Division of the Mau Mau Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
Mau MauGOLD{ Club }Cheetah
Mau MauSILVER{ Club }ellieoop
Mau MauBRONZE{ Club }stormy rebel

The Fast Chinese Checkers Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 4B Tournament
Fast Chinese CheckersGOLD{ Club }Moondyne
Fast Chinese CheckersSILVER & BRONZE{ Club }1karlos
Fast Chinese CheckersSILVER & BRONZE{ Club }cmacker
Fast Chinese CheckersSILVER & BRONZE{ Club }spiritebear

The Domination Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 5A Tournament
DominationGOLD{ Club }Rogue Trooper
DominationSILVER & BRONZE{ Club }bengt
DominationSILVER & BRONZE{ Club }Red Panda

The Intermediate Division of the Muggins Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 1B Tournament
MugginsGOLD{ Club }DAKOTA
MugginsSILVER{ Club }Hillbilly
MugginsBRONZE{ Club }Lolla
MugginsBRONZE{ Club }TedEBear
MugginsBRONZE{ Club }the celt

The Upper Division of the Small Go Moku Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Mystery Games Tournament
Mystery Game 3
Small Go Moku
GOLD{ Club }bengt
SILVER{ Club }DavidJ
BRONZE{ Club }1926
BRONZE{ Club }1karlos

The Square CrossDowns Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3B Tournament
Square CrossDownsGOLD & SILVER{ Club }cmacker
Square CrossDownsGOLD & SILVER{ Club }Alex
Square CrossDownsBRONZE{ Club }Senorita ZORRO_
Square CrossDownsBRONZE{ Club }Wrighty

The Novice Division of the Tourne-case Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 5A Tournament
Tourne-caseGOLD & SILVER{ Club }Silkwood
Tourne-caseGOLD & SILVER{ Club }Wrighty
Tourne-caseBRONZE{ Club }aprildawn
Tourne-caseBRONZE{ Club }GUINESS14
Tourne-caseBRONZE{ Club }Sapient
Tourne-caseBRONZE{ Club }beachcomber
Tourne-caseBRONZE{ Club }Pepper

The Dipole Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 5A Tournament
DipoleGOLD{ Club }AndrewB
DipoleSILVER{ Club }macbann
DipoleBRONZE{ Club }Rand al*Thor

The Upper Division of the Thematic Hangman Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
Thematic HangmanGOLD{ Club }JimC
Thematic HangmanSILVER{ Club }twotees
Thematic HangmanBRONZE{ Club }jklh

The Novice Division of the Muggins Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 1B Tournament
MugginsGOLD{ Club }RabidWolff of the Wolf Pack
MugginsSILVER & BRONZE{ Club }Buddha
MugginsSILVER & BRONZE{ Club }sparkles43

The Novice Division of the Backgammon Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 1A Tournament
BackgammonGOLD{ Club }mickeymouse
BackgammonSILVER{ Club }Dmm
BackgammonBRONZE{ Club }jagpnny

The Paper Football Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 2B Tournament
Paper FootballGOLD{ Club }1926
Paper FootballSILVER{ Club }jd91
Paper FootballBRONZE{ Club }Red Panda

The Lower Division of the Large Dice Pipes Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 4B Tournament
Large Dice PipesGOLD & SILVER{ Club }beachcomber
Large Dice PipesGOLD & SILVER{ Club }Pamelak
Large Dice PipesBRONZE{ Club }JGY

The MiniDots Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 5B Tournament
MiniDotsGOLD{ Club }klaashaas
MiniDotsSILVER{ Club }MamaBear
MiniDotsBRONZE{ Club }cmacker
MiniDotsBRONZE{ Club }Judy

The Upper Division of the Tabula Competition in The 2014 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 1A Tournament
TabulaGOLD{ Club }ceci
TabulaSILVER{ Club }ChrisC
TabulaBRONZE{ Club }yoyudax

12 Summer Olympic Winners Bravo!

1The 2014 Summer Olympic Dice Basketball 1st Division Tournament
Mystery Games 2 Dice Paper BasketballGOLDThe Summer Olympic 2016 Otrera Clubthebodywall
Mystery Games 2 Dice Paper BasketballSILVERThe Summer Olympic 2016 Cymopoleia ClubJools
Mystery Games 2 Dice Paper BasketballBRONZEThe Summer Olympic 2016 Cymopoleia ClubSir Legend50 of the GoldTable

The Lower Division of the Thematic Hangman Competition in The 2014 Summer Olympic Tournament Group 2 Tournament
Thematic HangmanGOLDThe Summer Olympic 2016 Vali ClubmacBruck
Thematic HangmanSILVERThe Summer Olympic 2016 Vali ClubDavidJ
Thematic HangmanBRONZEThe Summer Olympic 2016 Semele Clubsmiler5

The Upper Division of the Senet Competition in The 2014 Summer Olympic Tournament Group 1 Tournament
SenetGOLDThe Summer Olympic 2016 Cymopoleia ClubRabidWolff of the Wolf Pack
SenetSILVER & BRONZEThe Summer Olympic 2016 Tityos Clubhrhawk
SenetSILVER & BRONZEThe Summer Olympic 2016 Drona Clubjohnnyyboy

The Novice Division of the Dice Salvo Competition in The 2014 Summer Olympic Tournament Group 6A Tournament
Dice SalvoGOLDThe Summer Olympic 2016 Vali Clubrandy1
Dice SalvoSILVERThe Summer Olympic 2016 Tityos ClubFade
Dice SalvoBRONZEThe Summer Olympic 2016 Cymopoleia Clubeliphont551
Dice SalvoBRONZEThe Summer Olympic 2016 Cymopoleia Clubrobertst

1The 2014 Summer Olympic Officer's Skat 1st Division Tournament
Mystery Games 7 Officer s SkatGOLDThe Summer Olympic 2016 Drona ClubEPICURUS 75
Mystery Games 7 Officer s SkatSILVERThe Summer Olympic 2016 Drona Clubcmacker
Mystery Games 7 Officer s SkatBRONZEThe Summer Olympic 2016 Otrera Clubchris3

The Novice Division of the Hypergammon Competition in The 2014 Summer Olympic Tournament Group 4 Tournament
HypergammonGOLD, SILVER & BRONZEThe Summer Olympic 2016 Cymopoleia Clubjd91
HypergammonGOLD, SILVER & BRONZEThe Summer Olympic 2016 Semele ClubMM David littlefair XI
HypergammonGOLD, SILVER & BRONZEThe Summer Olympic 2016 Semele ClubRay of Light
HypergammonGOLD, SILVER & BRONZEThe Summer Olympic 2016 Semele ClubRohiputha

1Competitions are published when gold, silver & bronze winners have been determined


  • Do you have a special story, poem or testimonial you would like to share? How about some club news, announcements or any other special events? Then don't delay, send GoldToken's Newshound your submissions today! We look forward to hearing from you! Smiling
** (Please note: All submissions are added on a first come first serve basis.) **

Did you find the hidden coin in the newsletter ? Our winner last month was golfnutrof. Congratulations to him for spotting it and being the first to send a message to GoldToken Support. We would like to give everyone a chance to play this fun game and win 5 Golderos,so you will only be eligible to win the Coin Hunt once every six months.

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